I decided to make a bunch of save states for beginning, intermediate, and advanced players for the Everdrive and posted it on the resource page. It's more to give newer players who have the Everdrive a set of save states they can download and work with. It covers most of the run with the differing difficulty levels in the run itself.
Thanks to Canight, we have a practice rom for CV2 that shows Simon's Y Subpixel value in real time. Tested it and it works on my Everdrive fine with the subpixel value listed on the top-right corner of the screen. Someone will have to test to make sure it works on Powerpak just to be 100% safe. Have fun experimenting with floor drop setups!
I'm currently working on routing the Kaiba story, which IMO should have 2 separate sub categories for money cheat and no money cheat (same with Yugi Story). I currently have it down to about 3:25:00 for anyone that runs to run the category today and possibly could get it down to a 3:20:00.