Joguei 5 vezes seguidas sem reiniciar e o nível é o mesmo
Caso está placa não seja modificado com as configurações corretas que a comunidade exige
Irei comunicar a equipe global idependente se jogador morrer ou não a verificação é exigida por tempo ( se o jogador não morreu é problema e mérito dele ) a categoria any% com ou sem morte deve ser adc
jogo configurados por dano na plataforma interrompem outros jogadores de postar corridas de tempo tornando o jogo isolado
Caso as configurações da placa não sejam alteradas entrarei em contato com a equipe e solicitarei mudança de moderação não é permitido categorias isoladas com exigência de morte a regra básica do speedrun e zerar o jogo por tempo independente se morrer ou não
Incluindo que e possível mesmo morrendo ha chance se conseguir um tempo menor por isso está categoria configurado na placa está contra as regras básicas de speedrun
I would like to request an analysis to understand which category my video fits into.
I am requesting this help to submit my test in the category correctly
I would like an analysis of the Japanese version apparently this version is slower than the American version I would like an analysis because I am playing on the famicom and I felt a difference in the version if a new card for the Japanese version is released it must be inserted separately
Thank you for your contribution, I will finally explain, I can't use another form of capture, I don't have the equipment for that, I will post a video playing this game, when I can, I will post it this way if it is approved, I am very grateful to everyone, thank you for help.
I would like to know if it is allowed to record standard video using a cell phone, filming the video game screen in this way ?
I'm playing 101% soon I'll get in touch to report a complete race but I'm in no rush to change the board when I have a race I'll let the game community know
Obrigado agora entendo as regras e entendo sua explicação por completo muito obrigado por tirar essa dúvida que me questionava por meses . Não só a min como outras pessoas envolvidas muito obrigado
Home alone glicht enviado as tabelas
Análise deve ser feita ou integração de nova categoria
I'm not violating the rules by asking for a review of unknown video games that emulate the games I play on an original hard drive. My question is whether these video games comply with the community rules and yes the tests will be done soon! As I promised Bacon, I will buy the suspected video games and test them and if any differences are really found, they will be separated or restricted by the community. if emulators on pc require fps version check etc. the same rules for these video games should apply if confirmed
Sim este modelo e outros correspondentes inclusive os aplicativos de celular ainda não temos informações sobre esses vídeo games dentro da comunidade
Creio que qualquer tipo de vídeo game em que foi enviado uma corrida a comunidade deve saber as características deste vídeo game de quanto foi modificou se estão usando emuladores mais antigos não correspondente com a comunidade enfim são bastante aspectos.
Mas vendo com meus próprios olhos já identifiquei variações em battletoads in Battlemaniacs ( vendo jogadores jogar ao vivo usando esse novo sistema) mas enfim minha palavra final e que estou investingando e vou ajudar a sabermos se esses novos sistemas causam drásticas variações na emulação.
Estou trabalhando nisso.
these new video games do not bring this information, we also do not know how many video game developers in brazil modified the interface of these video games and what is the difference from playing in an original video game and my suspicion is that some games emulate much faster on these new developer-created systems I believe that after seeing some people playing retro games in these video games, this matter should be investigated and clarified. we have a right to know if new video games are rendering retro games faster If my theory is correct unfortunately it will be too late! many of these video games went unnoticed by several tables not just super nintendo but all video games because the emulation capability of this video game is for all platforms.
are new emulators with mysterious settings being manufactured in new types of video games. new interfaces are being created by game makers in brazil a new emulation mode has arrived
I'm calling for a unanimous investigation into this topic that has been so neglected in the speedrunning community. super videogame apps TV box and muti games reprogrammed by third parties without at least the information of which emulators are being used without at least the information of the versions without at least the information and what was reprogrammed in the emulator including which options were applied in these new ones super videogames that are being especially popularized in Brazil. including large speed variations and very high drops this topic must be investigated with extreme urgency and the test must be done immediately. tv game box GAME STICK MULTI GAMES third-party application
thanks joe i am grateful and i am also thankful for all the contributors to the theme. discussing here today