New South Wales, AustraliaZell88887 years ago

Hey speed runners and forum members. I am going to start running WoFF very shortly, and was wondering if I could receive some last minute tips that could help me out before I started running proper. I haven't ran a game before, any help is appreciated in regards to this too.


New South Wales, AustraliaZell88889 years ago

The name's Zell, and I am going to start learning to speedrun varying games from the FF series, in particular FF8. I may also try Silent Hill and a few other ones after, but after watching and seeing how good the FF8 community is now, I'd like to be a part of it as it has always been my best game. I'm always good for advice and help, so feel free to assist and chat. Hope to see you all soon.


Over Zell8888
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9 years ago
7 years ago
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World of Final Fantasy
World of Final Fantasy
Laatste bezoek 7 years ago