Colorado, USAVirazek6 months ago

After DoujinGravity-Remastered shutdown, all traces of this game disappeared off the face of the internet. Luckily, I found a copy and uploaded it to the Internet Archive, which you can find here:

Colorado, USAVirazek1 year ago

If interest arises to where anyone else would like to do runs on each character, I would be happy to add the category. My philosophy when it comes to adding categories is 1) do a run of it first, 2) if it is appreciably different from other categories (there are obviously major differences between the characters in this game but you know what I mean), and 3) other people are interested in doing runs of it, then I'm all for it.

Also thanks to ingne135 for showing me the IGS Arcade Classics release on Switch. Added Switch as a valid platform to submit runs on.

Colorado, USAVirazek4 years ago

The only place I've managed to find is DoujinGravity Remaster which is where I grabbed it from.

Colorado, USAVirazek4 years ago

Thank you for your interest!

1/2. I have now changed timing to start on stage select as it makes more sense from an RTA standpoint. Both current runs have been retimed to fit this. Feel free to submit your run now. 3. I will add a 100%/All Relics Collected category for both solo and co-op.

MAME is the preferred emulation as its PGM emulation is much more accurate and stable than FBA's.

topic: The Site
Colorado, USAVirazek4 years ago

Hello, I'd like to apply for moderation for ATV Racers [PSX] ( The previous WR holder (and only mod) hasn't logged on in 2 years, and has no other social media contact info. I submitted my run 4 months ago, and I presume another runner named ffao also has; we raced this in an event and fought for the time for the next month. -teapartycthulu <3

Habreno vinden dit leuk
Colorado, USAVirazek5 years ago

Now that we have full-level time trials added, could we add Championship III to the IL boards? So far it's the only level that's missing

Colorado, USAVirazek6 years ago

I have actually done this category. It's bad, but I do have a time in it (don't think I saved the VOD). The only difference is that there are no roaming ghosts in C1.

Colorado, USAVirazek6 years ago

In your Settings page there should be an option to show either full-game or IL runs by default on your profile

Colorado, USAVirazek6 years ago

Wow, not gonna lie, it looks even better than I expected. It's nice not to be blinded by the old background anymore!

Colorado, USAVirazek6 years ago

Hello all, tpc here! Still chugging away at All Time Trials for An Actual Good Time(TM), but in the meantime, I want to suggest a leaderboard redesign, because ours is pretty clumsy and cluttered.

First, since we have a proper full-game category now (I doubt we'll get any more, although I considering submitting All Missions to Really Really Long-a-thon), we should move all Shorts and score-based IL time attacks to IL leaderboards. I know that the IL scene is kind of all this game has, but ILs are ILs, and full game is full game, and the leaderboard should reflect that. (I swear it's not a part of my cunning master plan to get everyone to run single segment so that I have people to race)

As an example, SM64 and SMS's organization of their individual star/shine boards is what I'd imagine something like ours to looks like. This would address some problems:

  1. It wouldn't matter if levels had an asymmetric number of shorts, because you can define the amount per level
  2. We could easily add each level's time attack to each IL and not clutter the front page even more
  3. It looks pretty sweet, and accurately separates ILs and full game runs

The only problem with this that I could see is that the View All tab would only show you the number one time for each Short 1, 2 Mil score attack, and Time Trial (if we added it). I don't think there's any way around that (I think the SM64 mods would have found it already if there was), but it's not a big deal.

Here's a proof-of-concept that I spent exactly 11 minutes and 23 seconds on in photoshop, based on SM64's IL leaderboards

Tron_Javolta en GerardYoloing vindt dit leuk
topic: Streemerz
Colorado, USAVirazek6 years ago

Just for curiosity's sake, I recorded myself playing both versions with the exact same input. It also highlighted some really odd version differences (like one block being taken out on the NES version near the VVV moneybag).

topic: Streemerz
Colorado, USAVirazek6 years ago

The flash version is wildly different. I've been playing it for about 2 years. I don't recommend the game be added to the leaderboards because it's essentially the same, just with different physics. It is slightly harder than the NES version because of that, but not different enough to warrant a category split.

Also, if your runs are faster than the NES version, then your version of flash is running WAAAY too fast. The flash version (and its downloadable counterpart) are much slower.

Here are my runs for comparison: 16 Bags Any%

Colorado, USAVirazek6 years ago

I was looking at memory in cheat engine to see if I could find anything interesting. I mainly just found boring addresses, but I figured I would share what I found, just in case.

xelnia vinden dit leuk
Colorado, USAVirazek6 years ago

I'd be fine with mine being invalidated, because it's garbage anyway. Next time I do attempts I'll fix it. Thanks for listening to this weirdo category idea. Considering how terrible my PB is (because like all other runs I have done, I did all the routing by myself: I've actually never seen any WR videos for this game) I'm not surprised you got a 33:48 pretty fast. Hopefully I'll catch up soon! (mainly because I want a PB where I don't lose 37 seconds in one level)

Tron_Javolta vinden dit leuk
Colorado, USAVirazek6 years ago

Hello everybody! So for a while (and by a while I mean not actually a lot of time) I've been thinking about running this game in some sort of single segment scenario. So, I had the bright idea to race through every time trial (+ the DLC ones) in one run to see what's the best time I could get (in combined in-game time).

Running the game like this is super fun, really open to racing, and also is much more difficult than just ILs. It's really cool to see how you can improvise in certain scenarios to see how you can make the best out of a time loss.

I've been running this category for about two months now, and have brought my time (with DLC) from 35:57.81 to a 34:08.55, with sub-34 as my initial goal. I haven't highlighted the video of the 34:08 yet (because it was bad: lost 35 seconds in big eater and 17 in manhatten; a really godlike championship 1 saved the run), but here's a video of my 34:26.44 (which is also really bad):

I was thinking that maybe we could add this as a full game category?

Jaypin88, GerardYoloing en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
topic: The Sims 3
Colorado, USAVirazek7 years ago

For the 12 Hour Challenge, I did a run where I had 25 children as fast as possible (a variation of the classic family man challenge, have as many kids as possible). As far as I could tell from the rules in the categories already here, it doesn't follow them exactly, but I think the ones I laid out ( make sense. Could we add this as a category?

Over Virazek
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