California, USAToad224846 years ago

There is no video that I could find of the listed WR. Does anyone know where that record could be viewed? Also if it is unavailable should the record come down? Thanks.

topic: Contra
California, USAToad224846 years ago

I can’t really expand on this too heavily right now but the whole idea behind co-op play is to play together. I don’t think it’s asking too much for both players to finish a co op run. If it’s just a vessel to speed up player then whats the point of calling it co op? Might as well call it assisted 1 player. An excuse for the better player to just play the second half. I didn’t get a chance to read everything but that’s my opinion on the matter. Co op should be played throughout the game as both players.

ZmicK_TricK en Angrylanks vindt dit leuk
California, USAToad224846 years ago

I say 2 extra actions and what I meant by that is 2 extra actions from NESC's WR route. I don't know the exact number but yeah, just wanted to clarify I mean the WR route.

dr1ox1 vinden dit leuk
California, USAToad224846 years ago

its dependent on how many actions it takes for you to get there. I believe you have to get there only missing two commands the whole time (or purposely advancing the commands by hitting B if you manage to not mess any of them up to that point). Every action advances the in game RNG so if you know it well enough you can avoid all "random" encounters with the thug as well.

dr1ox1 vinden dit leuk
California, USAToad224846 years ago

You should go into the discord to discuss this. The submission page has to be manually updated at the moment.

Sidarino vinden dit leuk
California, USAToad224846 years ago

I don't really have too big an opinion on this one one way or the other but if the PW isn't allowed in the beginning of the run to skip the opening cutscene I don't see how it'd be allowed to be used here either. Either both or neither should be allowed imo. I'm leaning towards no. Cool find though.

ShuriBear en Nobleboy77 vindt dit leuk
California, USAToad224846 years ago

Hey there Daniel, awesome work in the rattles n' rolls!

As for adding a bunch of misc. categories I think it's best to leave it as it is. When boards end up with too many small time or memeish categories it gets too cluttered and isn't necessary. I would never discourage an individual from running a fun challenge category however! There just needs to be more of a community and want for any extended categories like these. I appreciate your love for this game, it deserves more love honestly.

xenkaroshi en Neffets vindt dit leuk
California, USAToad224846 years ago

My thoughts are just as everyone else’s. Run never really looked legit at all, especially a 40 second PB out of nowhere. No one will do that I’m ninja gaiden from mid 12 to sub 12, ever. I’ve never really ran this game seriously just telling you my thoughts on the matter.

twin0mega vinden dit leuk
California, USAToad224846 years ago

I added it, awesome job!

DanielMauritz vinden dit leuk
California, USAToad224846 years ago

I'm a little behind on this thread but I am curious. What is the explanation behind some of these being considered a glitch?

• No RNG Manipulation at Title Screen - RNG manipulation is not a glitch in any way. • No Ledge Clip Jumps - I can see an argument for this but it's reaching. • No killing steam rollers with Select. - Makes sense • No killing MechaTurtle from the safe spot. - What? Boss manipulations are also not a glitch. Using a boss weakness to softlock a boss in mega man is certainly not a glitch, finding a safe spot or finding a way to stop the boss from using their weapon with simple in game movements or areas of standing (as long as you don't glitch to get to them) are not glitches at all. • No ceiling glitches. - makes sense • No Weapon Swap Glitch (even if it would be detrimental to you). - makes sense • No Mousser Glitch (getting the mouth to be permanently open by hitting Start). - makes sense • No manipulating Shredder so he can't hit you (killing him with scrolls, and thus making him unable to hit you, is okay?) - This is the same as the mecha turtle argument. These aren't glitches.

The idea of a glitchless category is fine but this is far from just glitchless. Quite a few arbitrary rules to this category that are head scratchers. Manipulations are not glitches whatsoever. Finding safe spots is part of learning boss patterns. Soft locking bosses with special weapons or hitting him continually to where they can not move is not a glitch. Whatever you decide this category is is up to you all but a lot of these rules aren't glitches.

Just my opinion on the matter. I'm all on board for glitchless categories for games but this one doesn't make much sense to me. Goodluck either way!

Skunky48, anthole, en MarthSR vindt dit leuk
California, USAToad224847 years ago

Beanball category added

MarthSR vinden dit leuk
California, USAToad224847 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to explain Flobeamer. I do believe we definitely need either live recorded runs or you need to set your emulator up to show that you're not just showing a movie. My biggest question is if this would go under a wrong warp category or not. You essentially get blown into the good ending credits lol. I'm good either way but I'm curious as to what others have to say about it. I'll have to try this out myself. Seems a little more exciting overall than stair% anyways haha.

California, USAToad224847 years ago

Thank you for understanding and approaching this with civility. I believe you have the utmost ability to get that 1:28 again and will probably do it very soon if you go for it again. I am 100% behind you in your hunt for this WR and look forward to seeing it happen again. I'm sorry if you felt singled out at all and gl on your future speed ventures.

California, USAToad224847 years ago

I never meant to imply directly that you used it to cheat or to use L+R or anything of that nature so I apologize if it came off that way. This was more of an overall discussion of once allowing stuff like this how big of an advantage and how much it can be abused to get times in speedgames overall

With that being said I still don't like the idea of moving inputs to anywhere that isn't a dpad or using any controller that doubles up on inputs whether its WiiVC GC or anything else. It simply can't be done on the original hardware which is my main argument for any system and any game. The ability to mash directional input right handed is a crazy good advantage in games with dpad tapping that needs to go fast (such as dk jr of course) but games like Tetris would be infinitely easier with that much mash as well. Some people have a natural advantage to mash fast with the left arm or right arm but in either case I wouldn't advocate for switching inputs but rather hold the default controller in different ways to gain the advantage that you have (example: double mashing)

Again let me state that I don't want to question your skill or integrity of you as an individual livelyraccoon but rather the spirit of playing the games as closely as they were meant to be played. There's always going to be some jack ass out there that cheats and doesn't say anything and a few of those have been sniffed out and I do give you big time credit for coming out right away and putting it in your description that you added extra input buttons. The best I feel a situation like this would be resolved is having a separate emu category but again that leads to a different conversation.

To sum it up: I don't like the idea of moving your inputs on any controller, I feel it kind of defeats the spirit of the whole thing of everyones natural abilities pitted against each other on an even playing field. Thanks for all the responses everyone.

California, USAToad224847 years ago

Hello everyone,

The current WR held by livelyraccoon has all the inputs set normally on a controller but also 2 additionally added inputs again (left and right are added as buttons as well for going across the vines faster).

What are your opinions on this? My first thoughts are this cannot be done on console so right away it should not be allowed. I have no qualms at all with emu usage and controllers as long as they run at the same speed and don't give any obvious advantages (like button mapping twice over for movement speed improvement). I think it's important to keep it as close as possible to how it can be done on console so it's a fair playing ground for everybody which is why turbo is pretty much universally banned.

The problem is if stuff like this gets allowed then it opens a floodgate of possibilities. Mapping L+R to buttons means you can do L+R movement in games and tons of games are broken to all hell with this kind of movement.

Let me know what you all think. I would adamantly push towards not allowing anything like this because it gives a huge advantage to emu users, one that simply can't be done on console.

NME en WhiteHat94 vindt dit leuk
California, USAToad224847 years ago

You are most welcome :D

California, USAToad224847 years ago

No problem! Let me link you to the request sheet: Simply follow what they ask and give them a few days and you should have control of the Hunt for Red October GB board when it gets approved :)

Serpykologicl vinden dit leuk
California, USAToad224847 years ago

Hey Serpy! I applaud your interest in running Hunt for Red October. You should make a separate board for the GB version though, I'm not a fan of cross platforming games on a single leaderboard because it gets cluttered a little too fast.

Serpykologicl vinden dit leuk
California, USAToad224847 years ago

I think Pro Bowl just goes into the same category as Win a game. It's the same scenario just against a team with a better offense/defense.

As for point challenges I was discussing with a friend I think getting to 49 points (7 TDs + XP) would be a good speed goal to achieve for a NFL sports game. 100 points works really well in basketball and this is more based on execution so I believe this to be a pretty solid category.

SchmidttyGames vinden dit leuk
California, USAToad224847 years ago

I'll add a win a single game category for sure. I will not add lose a game category however that is basically the exact same as win the game and pretty pointless. I'm up for suggestions on other categories, maybe a points total.

Over Toad22484
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