ThatPunk_1 month ago

Thank you very much, my friend! Now it's on to breaking the final minute/second barrier in the game, and we're only .13 seconds away from doing that! Vroom vroom!

NTSC_J vinden dit leuk
ThatPunk_1 month ago

Huge congratulations on this, friend! I know we'll see a run from you containing a boss door skip at some point soon! ;)

TheFlyingDice vinden dit leuk
ThatPunk_1 month ago

Ah but I don't think directionals are required, because I've got it to trigger from a standstill. I really want to try and use TAS tools and RAM watch to search for Ryu's pixel height, I know that would be some very valuable data to understand this all better! I'll DM you my Discord name, we can trade findings more easily that way!

TheFlyingDice vinden dit leuk
ThatPunk_1 month ago

You CAN get much higher with L and R (in the beginning I'm holding L and R simultaneously and auto firing), but it seems possible to trigger the glitch without doing so!

It feels as if you say, that it's hinging upon a proper timing after the jump, and that timing seems to have slight variation to it. It feels as if there's a "sweet spot" to get the optimal height.

Btw if you ever wanna chat about this on Discord or anything, message me here and I'll give you my username. Either way, good luck to us both finding more!

TheFlyingDice vinden dit leuk
ThatPunk_1 month ago

Actually, I'm responding with a follow up quicker than I thought.

I was messing around and managed to get the glitch to occur with only one additional slash in the air - I didn't know that was possible! Also, a little session of attempts for data, but 3:59 in the video is when I hit the one slash skip. I hope this is enlightening! :D

TheFlyingDice vinden dit leuk
ThatPunk_1 month ago

I get you on all that. The only thing I'm confused about is why moving left and right is said to help, but I can get it while only jumping and slashing. I'm definitely gonna be doing more experimenting when I can, and will report back with any findings!

TheFlyingDice vinden dit leuk
ThatPunk_1 month ago

Yo @TheFlyingDice that's incredible! Congratulations on getting it to happen in a real-time run! You're making me want to spend some time re-investigating this to see if I can help find a consistent setup or rhythm. I've only made a TAS of one thing, and it was ages ago, so I'm not highly skilled at it - however, in that video description I put a link to the TAS-ers page which explains some of the mechanics in greater detail. Maybe that could be a good starting point if you are looking for frame data!

Good luck! :D

TheFlyingDice vinden dit leuk
topic: Mach Rider
ThatPunk_2 months ago

Hey there!

Does anyone understand how/why/when the Pink and White Quadrunners spawn (the ones which come up from behind no matter your speed and knock you off the road)? I've ran the same track multiple times in a row, reloading with save states, and sometimes they appear and sometimes they don't.

My first guess is that it has something to do with sprite limitations or how much the game can load into memory at one time, but I figured I'd field my question here as well just in case anyone has more information. Thanks!

topic: Mach Rider
ThatPunk_2 months ago

Hey there! Fellow Mach Rider here (1st racing game I ever played, and one of my first games ever), and I recently made a video compilation of all the tracks in the game, for science! I assume the optimal routes for speedruns are already decided, but I figured it still could be helpful data to have on hand.

"WE are Mach Rider!"

ShesChardcore vinden dit leuk
ThatPunk_2 months ago

Heyy I think I cracked the code on this... but not entirely. Here's a little tutorial: let's see if we can't get this in an RTA run!

Side note: I grew up with this game and it kicks up a lot of nostalgia for me. I'm hoping to submit a run of my own one day! :D

TheFlyingDice en Grumpmeister vindt dit leuk
ThatPunk_2 months ago

I've read the rules for the category but don't see this addressed... are we allowed to pick Salamander for our submission? Thanks!

ThatPunk_4 months ago

Oh snap, didn't realize this discord server existed, or that it was already pinned to the top of the page lol. Your points are fair, and I thank you for your response :)

ThatPunk_4 months ago

Hi to the other mods here. I know I'm a mod now but I wanted to ask for permission on this (also don't know how to do it). My friend runs a Martial Champion Discord server and I'd love to pin it to the main page of this game so other fans can get involved in the community.

Is that okay, and also if it is, how do I do that? :D

@BOSSCAT @DBcade @NintenLew Thanks!

ThatPunk_4 months ago

Just watched this back and heard some weird audio glitch at 2:04 in the video... I have no idea what that's about :/ Sorry!

ThatPunk_4 months ago

Y'know, after looking at this I think we can squeeze in an Intentional Overheat at the end. I might try to save some time with that one day!

ThatPunk_4 months ago

My pleasure, @BOSSCAT! I will def try to break a few more minute/second barriers if I can. Why not, right? XD

bosscatFGC vinden dit leuk
ThatPunk_4 months ago

After a few runs the other day I was perplexed as to why my "Hardest" difficulty run was a minute quicker than my run on "Easiest." I showed my run to my friend (he and I are kind of superfans of this game), and he noted that both myself and the computer's damage output had nearly doubled on "Hardest." So I guess if you want a quicker time overall, jack the difficulty up! :D

Personally, I like this damage output increase. The game already felt pretty volatile, but now it's just nuts! XD

bosscatFGC vinden dit leuk
ThatPunk_4 months ago

I've read the Mod note, I will do that moving forward. Thank you!

ThatPunk_4 months ago

Typically, everything I have tested on emulator has worked on my Wii, but if I ever notice any differences I'll be sure to notate them! Also, if I ever submit a record on the emulated version I'll notate that - so far, all my races are on my actual old Wii :D

ThatPunk_4 months ago

I'm not sure how I can save more time on this, but I'm going to head into the emulator with save states so I can test things and find out!

Over ThatPunk_
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