When did they get rid of forum views? (good change imo, idk why they existed to begin with, but I'm curious)
luma input redirection is that thing that lets you use a controller to control ur 3DS right? If so, that's fine. As for what version to use, the options are linked in resources. Alternate version is 60 FPS though, which might have lag issues (since maintaining 60 fps could be a bit much). Stable version will almost always be a solid 30.
I propose a leaderboard ranked by score, then time (similar to min captures in mario odyssey)
bruh who added a 4 character minimum to post, why can someone not write lol without adding a space
why does it tell you who deleted a message, that seems kinda weird to implement. Also I personally prefer that when a message is deleted it actually gets deleted instead of just like hidden.