As far as I know, there aren't any ways to outright remove the subtitles from the FMVs. The FMVs are rendered with the subtitles already added to the video, as it was for the original Sourcenext release.
With that being said, although people are more than happy to help with any issues you're having, being rude is not good form, so don't do that.
I'd recommend using the arranged controller scheme as it allows for the best of both settings. The analog stick allows for the new movement whilst the d-pad can be used for the classic tank controls. Switching between both on the fly takes a bit of practice but once you're used to it you'll be able to utilise both for several situations (analog movement for dodging enemies or stair skating with the d-pad, for example). The language can be changed in the options alongside the controls.
I don't think there is much of a difference between PS4/XB1 to warrant switching over, but I haven't played the console version in a while so I can't say much else. My advice is to just keep doing runs, practicing sections you struggle with and analysing and comparing your runs to see where you can improve on. Best of luck and welcome!
Will the remaster be added to the leaderboards?