United StatesReverbed4 years ago

Oh well! Thanks for trying @kram1138!

United StatesReverbed4 years ago

I tried deleting the saves but it didn't work, they all reappeared again and they update the saves properly so idk what is wrong. I've done everything I'm supposed to. Thanks for helping me try to solve it, I appreciate it!

EDIT: Random question as a hail mary last attempt... what .ini files are supposed to be on read only? I think one of them is supposed to but mine all have read only set to off. I don't know why that would affect anything but if I've done everything and it's not working, it could be something small and unusual like that.

Do my splits need to be capitalized to match the save folders that are capitalized? I don't know lol I'm just thinking of anything at this point

United StatesReverbed4 years ago

@kram1138: I actually already had that setup so I'm not sure what is missing or wrong in the setup. In my last post on page 1 I linked to a VOD where I show everything I've done. Sorry I don't know what else to say or add to help get it resolved. :/ I appreciate all your help whether or not we get it working.

EDIT: Oh maybe I have to use your split file? I was using my own because I'm not ready to use it for a full game run yet, just for Geonosis, so I was using my splits.

United StatesReverbed4 years ago

Do you mean the component settings? The script path is "C:\Games\LiveSplit\Components\SWRC.ASL" but I tried "C:\Games\LiveSplit\Components\LiveSplit.SWRCSplit.dll" a couple days ago I think. The "Options:" under the script path is grayed out. LiveSplit.SWRCSplit.dll is inside the components folder. I believe I've done everything that has been commented here, but I'm new to LiveSplit so I could be misunderstanding something. Let me know, thanks.

United StatesReverbed4 years ago

If my save folder is full of saves from missions, do I need to delete those? There is a folder for each Geonosis mission with a single CTS file in it, and it appears to update properly. Here is a link to my stream VOD so you can see my screen and what I've done and haven't done. Something might stick out to you. If not, I'll just continue to press a key for splitting. Thanks!

United StatesReverbed4 years ago

I wasn't able to get the autosplitter to work unfortunately. I replaced the xinterfacectmenus.u, geo_01a.ctm, and yyy_06d.ctm files. I added the LiveSplit.SWRCSplit.dll file to the components folder, and set the script path to LiveSplit.SWRCSplit.dll. In the layout editor under control, I added SWRC Autosplitter and set the save folder path to the GameData\Save. I'm not using the provided layout file because I'm using my own layout, is that a problem? Plus, every time I close LiveSplit and save my changes, when it's reopened the script path goes back to SWRC.ASL instead of LiveSplit.SWRCSplit.dll. I must be missing something obvious because I think I did everything, unless I'm a doofus. :D Let me know if I failed to do anything, and as always, thanks!

United StatesReverbed4 years ago
  1. What is the auto pull maneuver setting?

  2. After reinstalling the game, my menu mouse sensitivity is insanely fast while the regular in game sensitivity is normal. I have it set to 1. Any idea why that is happening? To be clear, it's not affecting anything but the main menu mouse sensitivity, the sensitivity is fine in game and in the menus while in game. This isn't an important thing to fix, but I thought I might as well mention it, just in case someone happens to have an easy fix.

United StatesReverbed4 years ago

@wike: That's a really good idea to hit quicksave a few times, because I've only been quicksaving once. I'll definitely give that a try.

Last night I was practicing the super bump on Territory to get across the chasm. I managed to hit it quite a few times overall but it was wildly inconsistent. It could take me forever to get it or I could do it twice in a row... hoping to get consistent with it, but that may be a tall order.

Also, last night I had my first game crash during a run. It happened at the beginning of Heart of the Machine when the first geonosian elite shows up. After I relaunched the game, it was stuck on 60fps. I checked my settings and didn't see anything different from before so I may need to verify integrity of the game files or reinstall. Not sure why it's stuck like that now.

United StatesReverbed4 years ago

Hey @kram1138, if it's not any trouble, could we please get an updated guide for the autosplitter? Otherwise is the previous post 5th from the top a current, usable guide? Gonna go ahead and try what your 2 year old post says with the newer .dll in case that works.

EDIT: Must be outdated or I must've missed something. It didn't work. :(

United StatesReverbed4 years ago

Hey guys, thanks so much for all the info!

@ISlide: I didn't realize I needed to shift early, but that makes complete sense considering you can begin moving before the load screen is done. Thanks for that!

I've noticed really weird texturing but it doesn't seem to affect any gameplay so I didn't think much of it. It's definitely not an issue with recording, because I'm seeing it when playing. Would you like me to post my settings? I play on the higher quality settings.

@kram1138: I may look into the autosplitter, though I am getting the hang of uses a bound key to split times, so I may not need autosplitter. It's nice to know that's an option!

Concerning the Into the Hive bump, it works well for me to jump when I do it. You can look at the Geonosis run I submitted to see me do it first try without the vibrating method. To me, it feels more consistent with a jump than waiting for it to teleport me up. I'll have to mess with it for sure! And luckily my FPS is well over 100. If it helps to mention, I have a tiny FPS counter in the top left of my run. If certain tricks get easier at higher FPS, then I should uncap my FPS, right?

Thanks again!

United StatesReverbed4 years ago

You're right, I meant that the OBS capture was freezing, not the game. I tried some different options like windowed mode, but ultimately I decided on switching to display capture so I can still play fullscreen and not run into as many issues.

I really need to practice double load consistency. Sometimes I QS/QL during the loading sequence, and it looks like it double loaded, but it didn't really double load it. Luckily To Own the Skies has that audio cue at the beginning I can lookout for. Another issue I'm having is the squad sometimes doesn't follow me as well as I'd like, which probably means I need to form up or set them to a point that I want.

I'm curious why the door behind the spider droid on Waking the Giant didn't open for me on the following run: Is it because I hit form up with my squad? I think that's the only thing I did differently. Feel free to rewind farther back if something earlier on may have caused it.

I'd like to submit a fairly good run I had (at the end of that same vod ^). I enabled the load removal, but how do I see what that time is? I'd like to enter the time without loads when I submit my run. EDIT: I found it. Edit splits->Game Time->Last Split Time. Pretty sure that's it!

Also, is there a preference between Twitch VOD and YouTube? If there is anything else I should know before submitting, let me know!

Thanks so much as always! :D

United StatesReverbed4 years ago

Thanks a bunch ISlide! I went ahead and activated the load removal in the splits editor, deactivated the hints, and set my starting volumes to 1 because the game kept resetting the volume to 10 everytime I launched, which is super loud.

Are there other advantages to double loading a level with the start button besides being able to move during the briefings?

Thanks for the info on jumping! I've been trying to get consistent with the bump on Into the Hive rather than jumping on the invisible wall near the railing.

For recording with OBS, I'll need to setup a stream/recording overlay because I play at 1920x1080, and that doesn't play well with adding in a cam and the splits all on one screen. I also have an issue with capturing the game using OBS when using game capture because it freezes on OBS. Do you play the game on windowed mode to help with that process? With modern games you can just set the capture and click off and it'll continue to capture correctly, but with RC it freezes. I'll definitely have to play around with it! Thanks again!

United StatesReverbed4 years ago

Hello! You guys can call me Reverbed (pronounced like a fake, shorter past tense of reverberated), or Ty!

I'm excited to learn how to speedrun this game, and I've already started learning Geonosis! The only experience I have with speedrunning is doing some speedrunning tricks for fun on the Halo games because it's my favorite franchise. As far as I'm concerned though, this is my first time speedrunning seriously and I'm still learning all the basics like LiveSplit and setting up Republic Commando with OBS to record my runs, not to mention the basics of running the actual game.

So far I've managed to finish Geonosis somewhere in the 30 minute range, but that's a rough estimate because I messed up my splits. Like I said, still learning! I've been using the other submitted runs to learn glitches and tactics and what not, as well as some community videos showing or explaining different aspects of the run. Thanks to Kram and Utsu for their SGDQ submissions and Wike, ISlide, and ThinksTheClown for their material out there that has helped me so far. Thanks to ISlide for the info in the guide section and his long playlist of tricks on YouTube.

Right now my biggest issues are getting rid of the hint popups, QS/QLing levels consistently, setting up recordings/streams for my runs, understanding the jumping mechanics, and plenty more I'm sure I'll ask about later.

Hint popups: I'm using a profile that has completed the game, so I thought they shouldn't be popping up anymore. Also, when I hit continue without hints, it continues to give me hints. I'm looking into ISlide's response on an older post to the same problem.

QS/QL: Is there specific timing for quicksaving and quickloading a level? Do I need to do it quickly at the beginning, more towards the end, space it out during the load, or is it different depending on the level? I went ahead and bound QS/QL to the 2 buttons on the side of my mouse, which works for me. I'm curious what buttons you guys use for QS/QL.

Livesplit Bindings: What keybindings does everyone prefer for LiveSplit?

Jump mechanics: What does crouching affect when trying to jump over stuff? It's obvious that it isn't a crouch jump like in Halo. Jumping later rather than too soon tends to get a better result for me.

What resolution do you play on? I have no experience setting up a stream overlay that displays the game, a webcam, and LiveSplit. I play on 1920x1080 so I can't setup mine like Wike, for example, who seems to play with a smaller ratio. Thoughts? Thanks in advance!

If you have any tips for me or I forgot to mention anything, please let me know! I'll be checking this regularly for any new responses and you can message me on my discord as well. I have my other accounts linked if you'd like to check me out in those spots too. I look forward to beating some of your times :) Thanks so much!

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