PrettzL8 years ago

Santo and Amora, this is thrilling to say the least!

I've been excited about Skytorn since following you both on Twitter, but this takes the cake.

I have a real personal bond with OTS which is why I submitted the game to founding this run section.

The origins of

I used to smoke around a pack and a half of cigarettes a day but quit during the end of April this year 2015 thanks to OTS.

Back when I first started running the game it was mostly just me seeing how low I could get my times down to. Once my times were around 12 minutes I decided to replace smoking a cigarette with doing a run attempt and within a week I had stopped smoking entirely and haven't bought any cigarettes since!

Thank you so much for this game it has changed my life for the better.

I'm 31 today and I started smoking when I was 14.

chocolatecake5000 en MIDIbusker vindt dit leuk
PrettzL8 years ago

Nice Rezoons!

I had previously messed around with damage boosting through amazing horseshoe.

The properties that I was aware of at the time made it intensely difficult though. It takes 4 hearts to be able to fall in to the big guy in Amazing Horseshoe and get behind him because touching enemies the invincibility is much shorter.

Being hit with the big guys shots only does 2 hearts of damage and has a slightly longer invincibility time.

PrettzL8 years ago

I truly appreciate everyone's posts to bring about a collective decision regarding this topic.

The issue can be considered resolved as it falls within the confines of rule #3 of the OTS run rules.

A precise definition subsection will be added asap.

And in lieu of an announcement section~

I welcome ghuia to the OTS moderation team!

MIDIbusker vinden dit leuk
PrettzL8 years ago


Removed the 'Individual Level' leaderboards section.

Removed IL listings: "Gun Race" & "Gun Race 2"


Added ghuia to the moderation team.

PrettzL8 years ago

What this comes down to is verification issues.

One of our priorities as runners should be optimization, that is granted. Another priority should be discovery of new flaws/exploits/bugs built in to the games design.

Speedrunning is meant to be done with as little augmenting of the original game as possible. It's typical that turbo controllers aren't allowed, game genie, action replay, save states, processor clock adjustments, speed slowdown, etc. aren't accepted, but that isn't always the case.

Of the community outlined rules rule 3 is 'Out There Somewhere cannot be modified by 3rd party software during a run' which I'll admit even though using another program to rebind to scroll wheel falls under this rule and would be enough for Rezoons or I to reject runs which use scrollwheel rebind I want to allow it because it's a great discovery. BUT I can appreciate the optimization aspect of this discovery and while I want to allow it based on that there's a problem with that.

If we allow use of third-party programs during runs it would then be a matter of grey area to submit TAS runs and/or simply have a script that does the run in real time.

For me this is a dilemma of trust in the videos I'll be watching and approving/rejecting mixed up with my desire for OTS to be accessible to new/potential runners without too many obstacles in the way of them submitting an acceptable run.

It's been a very long time, for me, since I had to reject a run for Any% IGT because the in game timer was not actually displayed. I really don't want to put more barriers between runs being recorded and submitted as acceptable runs.

What I need from the community are more perspectives than just my own and Rezoons.

Am I over thinking this? Is a 6 second save worth requiring a submitter to record thoroughly what they did with their hands? Should we just open this game up to ANY% as the standard and abandon the constraints of IGT runs entirely?

MIDIbusker vinden dit leuk
PrettzL8 years ago

@ghuia I need more information about how you're binding to scroll wheel.

Is it done by editing game files manually or with an actively running third party program?

PrettzL8 years ago

Really entertaining level design and great derust practice!

PrettzL8 years ago

This is a major discovery, even if it's only about a 5 second save.

I've shared my thoughts with Rezoons and we're aligned and agree that we need to get more feedback in regard to this before making any final rulings on whether this can be accepted in a run or not.

I'll do my part and spread the word to other runners.

PrettzL9 years ago


Changed Background scroll speed from "slow" to "none".

PrettzL9 years ago
  1. What Rezoons said.

  2. Yeah, I've been considering that for a while as a change, especially without a nicely faded edge between both sides. Does add a lot of character to the section though.

  3. I decided to have the game's cast as the background based on limited ability to have the game's content shown in the run section so it'll always have at least something to do with Grigori being chased by Yuri or Yuri with his teleport gun.

  4. That image is already the logo in the top right and the game cover image I found is the original game cover design by the creators of the game.

  5. What Rezoons said.

PrettzL9 years ago


Changed 1st-4th place trophy icons to default.

PrettzL9 years ago

I can confirm this as well, often times I miss the second ship entirely though their hitboxes appear to be a bit larger than they are.

PrettzL9 years ago

Yeah, that sideways break needs to be figured out for sure.

PrettzL9 years ago

Based on community feedback it should be included in runs time.

Essentially you have to "show your work" now.

PrettzL9 years ago


Changed Cell Opacity from 90% to 70%

Changed logo (Thanks Rezoons for transparency)

Renamed All Collectibles% to Collectibles% Renamed 107% to 107% IGT

PrettzL9 years ago


Due to run guideline changes based on community feedback the Any% category leaderboard has been wiped as all previous runs were not within the new guidelines.

I do apologize for having to do this and I do not believe it would be necessary in the future.

PrettzL9 years ago

Guidelines for submitting runs are currently being worked on and translated in to multiple languages to help avoid confusion and set in stone the fundamentals of running OTS:

They can be viewed here:

Due to the changes in rules for running Any% the leaderboard has been wiped.

IGT runs were unaffected and the leaderboard remains unchanged- there are updated rules to define what an IGT run is.

Please familiarize yourselves with the updated rules and start submitting runs again!

PrettzL9 years ago

Hm with that kind of a code override could it be possible that the first frame becomes invalidated while it is making this data adjustment?

Or another possibility, add a frame like you said an 8th frame when walking off?

PrettzL9 years ago

Community Discord: Steam SR.COM group:

Please add links to your guides and videoguides here.

PrettzL9 years ago

So 7 frames for jumping without teleporting and 7 frames for jumping with teleporting?

Knowing that will definitely help with the consistency of nailing these tricky strats!

Great job ghuia. :D

Over PrettzL
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