topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

You can only edit the Rules if you are Mod for the Game. If you aren't, request a change to a Mod (PM him on Twitch/Twitter or on the Game Forum).

If you are a Mod, you should say that to other Mods as well and discuss it first. When everything is fine, go to the Games-Page, and click on the left side "Edit Game". Scroll down to the Categories and click into the Textbox, then edit the Text/Rules as needed. Then click the "Save Game" button and you're fine.

Amaz en Mavik vindt dit leuk
topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Great feature and works very well! Thanks allot!

topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

In the same Forum (The Site), there's a stick Thread which is especially made for that:

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago


Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Nice to see that you'ld like to pick it up :) I haven't really seen a tutorial for the run, but it's quite self explaining if you watch some runs (If you have played the Game before to understand some mechanics). GVirus was already thinking about doing and Tutorial, but I guess he doesn't have that much time lately since he gotta practise for AGDQ. I might take a hand on it. If you need help with some Strats, then let us know and we'll be happy to help you out :)

topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Heya, I was just checking some source on the page here and took a look into the console. Apparently you should update the Silktide Addon/Plugin/Script, since it doesn't work anymore.

topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Hey everyone. I just noticed one little thing: If you take a look at the IL's of a person (Profile -> Level Runs) it'll show all IL's of the Game - doesn't matter if someone made the IL. Wouldn't it be more useful if it would only show the IL's someone did? Maybe put a Button onto the top-right to show all Levels like in the Full-Runs with obsolete runs.

stoot en Konasumi vindt dit leuk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Hey everyone, I'm PreFiX. Me, GVirus and DarkCPU0 made up a Weekly Race for Axiom Verge to promote the Game more since it's a really good Speedgame but is quite unknown.

The Race is held every Week on Wednesday at 2AM CET/8PM EST by myself and GVirus. If anyone would like to join the races or just want's to be in our little group, then message me or GVirus via Skype (prefixaut) on Twitch ( , or on this Thread with some contact Information :) We'ld be glad if you'ld join in or watch it.

topic: Talk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

WARP - Quite good speedgame since it doesn't have much (tricky) RNG and is quite chill/doesn't require to be a pro Kappa Otherwise it's not that great to watch I guess, since there's not that much action/glitch/speed in it as in other speed-games. Doing any% sometimes, trying to get it to sub 40 and routing 100% currently.

Zanum vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Could someone change my name from "prefixaut" to "PreFiXAUT"? Didn't know the name was case-sensitive in the registration/couldn't be changed that easily :P Thanks in advance :)

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Currently I haven't found my speedgame, but I run some Games till I get my 3DS-Capture-Card:

WARP - any%, currently rounting 100% Axiom Verge - 100% Items (Cuz any% is way too hard xD) SMA4 - any% (Attempting to derust it and get WR back. Might do other cat. as well)

When i get my 3DS-CC:

TLoZ: A Link between Worlds New Super Mario Bros. 1 & 2 Maybe Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate And if I find some peops, TLoZ Triforce Heroes 3P Coop

Lance_ vinden dit leuk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Hi everyone! I'ld like to know if there're Android-Emulators so I can speedrun some mobile games on the PC (Win 8). I heard that there's a Emulator called "Andy", but I never tested it before, has someone maybe an suggestion which one to use?

Thanks in advance, PreFiX

topic: EDGE
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Working on it ok?! BibleThump

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Coole Sache, werde es mir sicherlich mal ansehn. Hab leider das Datum verwechselt und dachte ich kann noch submitten, aber dann wohl nicht, nächstes Jahr vielleicht :P

topic: EDGE
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT9 years ago

Ohh now, god damn it :O I guess I have to take the penalty :(

Over PreFiXAUT
Lid geworden
9 years ago
2 years ago
Gespeelde spellen
Laatste run 7 years ago
Laatste run 8 years ago
Axiom Verge
Axiom Verge
Laatste run 8 years ago
Laatste run 8 years ago
Laatste run 4 years ago
Laatste run 9 years ago
Gemodereerde spellen
Laatste actie 4 years ago