i had an idea of the timer stopping when the balloons and the watering can are gotten, whatever is collected last.
if you take the balloon at the bottom of the tree trunk last you an get the watering can when flying up. the problem is should the time end when the balloon is gotten or when the watering can is gotten?
Read the description if you don't get what I'm saying cuz my mic is shit
I also noticed that diamonds don't give points so the beginning won't make sense
no death is basically the same thing (the only one i can see different is level 1 100%, Level 1, 3 & 7 max%) while a low% would require you to avoid stuff unlike other categories
I want to make myself suffer with a low% category. Either by low score or low diamonds. I personally think it would be easier with lowest score because the only things that give you score (from what I remember) are balloons, diamonds, watering cans & enemies. (we could have a discussion about how this could work)
just use obs and if you're having problems watch a tutorial
it isnt a true max% if there isnt a requirement to get all eggs too
i´ve just done a sub 3 (true pacifist) and its invalid cuz in an idiot and didnt read the timing start and end point, and i want to do another run later.