QuébecNolinto2 years ago

Thanks for these answer fellow Canadian runner, I will definately need to look into this D-pad thing.

So I understand that I will need to come with my own timing for sage manip for U.S version which is fine.. I just need a cue of where to manip.

Does the manipulation comes from the timing you click start on the little map (when you see where you are within the 6 stages)? Also, from your experience, are we speaking about a frame perfect thing or I should have a few frames window?

Thanks guys!

QuébecNolinto2 years ago

Hey all,

I've seen some conversation between JP vs US version. I noticed in video of JP version I watched that the fire rate looks to be faster, is that the only difference?

Thanks :)

QuébecNolinto3 years ago

Hey Lorenzo,

Welcome to MMX3 speedrunning.

I would suggest you shoot your idea on this discord:

That will be the best forum for people to hear you out.

Have a nice day and good luck in your speed!

QuébecNolinto3 years ago

More you advance in stages, harder it gets to have the 3 secs. Make a while I played though, so I don't remember all the mecanics by heart. But this kind of thing happened to me really often when I was running the game.

QuébecNolinto3 years ago

Hey @stormizinhu,

Welcome to the community and the MMX2 speedrunning.

For any strategies discussion, the best place is I invited you to have a look to our discord and you can show and discuss strategies there.

Take care,

stormizinhu vinden dit leuk
QuébecNolinto4 years ago

Let me know if it works

CriscoWild en Pwlocke vindt dit leuk
QuébecNolinto4 years ago

I ask that somebody in the server send you the current link. Meanwhile I can confirm you that the server is active.

CriscoWild en Pwlocke vindt dit leuk
QuébecNolinto4 years ago

Done, category is out now.

QuébecNolinto4 years ago

This category has been created before I came onboard and all the conversation about it (which I remember seeing) has been deleted by the previous moderator before moving out. Basically, there was 1 runner which wanted really to make a double play. Beside, to be fair, this category should need additionnal proof to see that 1 person has 2 controller (even if it was pretty obvious in both our runs that it wasn't the case, lol).

The run I played it (I actually played once this category), I felt the whole time that it wasn't making sense..

I think at this point the best solution would be to cancel this category in order to have categories that make sense..

What do you think Venom?

QuébecNolinto4 years ago

Hey @Venomplay and @FelipeNascimento83, I wanted to speak about the rules of doubleplay%. I forgot about the topic and finally Venom submitted a run and it kinda look late as he just grabbed the WR.

However, there's something that doesn't makes sense in the rules of that category. the legitimate fastest way, is to play all the stages without your ally and to make it appear only in bosses when you need it. When I was playing my run, I was trying to avoid having a gap over 10s, but it isn't specified. So officially Venom followed the rules, however, there's gap above minute without any ally.

I feel there should be additionnal rule in that category, but now that venom has a run in it, I consider he has a word to say as well. I was thinking something like 'no gap over 10s without both plane being on screen (excluding loading times)'.

Your thought?

QuébecNolinto4 years ago

Je suis un peu picky, je ne joue jamais sur emulateur... Mais un sd2snes réglerait ce problème... peut-être qu'un jour..

Dans le cas de MMX, j'ai tout simplement acheté la version Jap.

QuébecNolinto4 years ago

ok, cool thanks. Si je réussi à améliorer encore un peu ma run, je vais envisager me la procurer.

Skinomarsh vinden dit leuk
QuébecNolinto4 years ago

Hey guys, I'm new in this community. Just finished my first sub 22 run.

I'm playing currently with NTSC version, did someone made the comparaison between the 2 versions to calculate the exact time save?

topic: Mega Man X
QuébecNolinto4 years ago

@SeValentine I think you're right on that. For the sake of the thread making sense I'll leave my comment above, but a conversation as I was asking is probably not the best solution. Meanwhile I've seen Burg's demand, so I guess that it will be up to them. I'll walk out of the debate and look at what happens for now...

FireStriker vinden dit leuk
topic: Mega Man X
QuébecNolinto4 years ago

As I mentioned in the previous thread before it got locked up, I think a deep conversation with the community should happen.

The biggest complaint I could do at this point is the lack of communication regarding the train of thought of the decision. Beside forum chat that gives reason here and there, where is the official statement? I mean, it is a big deal to ban the WR holder and also Calebhart42/iceless which we speak less about.

Also, is it the role of a speedrunning community? Are we making background check to everybody that run Mega man?

I got my opinion on the subject and I respect the fact that other has opinion that differs from mine. I just have no idea at this point if these decisions is supported by the community or only by the mods group because I never saw any call to ask the opinion of this so-called community.

FireStriker vinden dit leuk
topic: Mega Man X
QuébecNolinto4 years ago

Well, at the end of the day the questions are :

1- Are the rules clear to have the privilege of submitting Mega man X run ? I never thought there were additionnal rule beside the speedrunning itself.. 2- Are theses rules consistent from one person to the other?

I consider myself part of MMX community even if I'm not a top runner right now. I found pretty hard to find any information and everything is scattered around with this story which leave a lot of place to interpretation.

I think MMX mods should at least make some sort of statement above this Profection's discord message and answer questions.

Even now, I'm not 100% sure what Burg and Caleb did good or wrong and the only thing I think personally is that a speedrun leaderboard should be about speedrunning, that is my personnal opinion.

That said, I respect the fact that it might not be the opinion of everyone, but is it a megaman community or a megaman moderation group? If it is really a community, well I think we should ask the opinion to everybody with something as important as banning the WR holder (Burg) and the most known MMX runner of history (Caleb). Even if it doesn't go my way, I'd respect the decision if that is coming from the whole community.

Food for thought guys!

bradenexplosion, FireStriker en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
topic: Mega Man X
QuébecNolinto4 years ago

Is it a temporary or a permanent kind of things?

FireStriker vinden dit leuk
QuébecNolinto4 years ago

Sub 15 is possible in my opinion. But @Starrich definately understood things that I didn't, lol

QuébecNolinto4 years ago

Yeah! some action to come!

I'm currently working on Mega man X (big project) but once I'm done, I'll be back to get my WR back... At least, I'll try.

QuébecNolinto4 years ago


I'm new at moderation at this game and I was thinking to make few changes.

1- I was thinking to change the first split to character selection as this is easier to set up ( I'd have to retime all the current time)

2- I was thinking adding categories to SNES for the differents difficulties as all record is made on easy right now.

I know there's not much activity for now, but what do you guys think?

Over Nolinto
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