So basically ive noticed there isnt a gamemode specification for the challenge runs and i wanted to know if i submitted a nightmare difficulty run in say teleportless would it still count?
The reason i wanna do this is because while it is more difficult, there is a lot of time save potential with it since the number of floors in it are less (plus you get starting wands and perks).
I would love to know if this is something im allowed to do or not, or if maybe a it could be sub category within the challenge runs itself (idk if thats the word for it)
So im tryna run nightmare mode but anytime i pick up more than 2 perks quickly, my game just crashes and closes and im not sure which settings i need to change or what i should do to stop it.
The specifications of my pc are here if that helps:
intel - 12400F
16 * 16 DDr 3200 ram
240/500 NVMe SSD
RTX 3060
So am very new to this and i see that everyone has to enable the zoom buttons during their run. However for me whenever i start a new game i already have the zoom buttons enabled? i dont know if this is allowed or if there is a setting i have somehow enabled that carries over games and how to turn it off
I'm very new to speedrunning and from my knowledge of it doesnt low% mean the most minimum completion? i dont really understand what differentiates the low% noita runs from say the teleportless run (other than the bolt rule) and i was hoping someone could explain that to me since to me it feels like it would make more sense if it was more having the run with the least number of gold, places visited and enemies slain.