PortugalMikeZorD3 years ago

Hello, it's been a while!

So I was digging through the game's memory to find some damage values, when I stumbled upon a wild glitch. Apparently pausing the game during an attack hit, will cause the next frame of that same attack to hit again. This has major implications with the most obvious being, tons of more damage.

While I am all for glitches that may help runners cut down time. I'm hesitant about this one since it requires spamming the pause menu during a stage. To me this might take away from the run experience where now a big chunk of the run might get flooded with pausing menus. I made a video tutorial showcasing and explaining this glitch. I would also like to hear others opinions about this, whether or not to allow this glitch or not, or to create a glitchless category.

Savantaneus vinden dit leuk
PortugalMikeZorD4 years ago

Hello everyone, I'm here to tell you that we have decided once again on a change for 1 of this game's categories, we ultimately decided to turn Any% NCW into the new All Allies%, and have a "new" Any% NGM (No Glitch Menu) where as the name suggests, the Glitch Menu will be banned and any benefit that comes from it, while any other glitches are still allowed, like the broken dagger for example.

Any runs made on the former Any% NCW that didn't use the glitch menu were moved to the new Any% No Glitch Menu category, while the others that did use, were moved to the Any% All Allies category.

We (Me, Glitchedd and WordOfWind) discussed about this due to the fact that once the Money Slot Glitch was found, where you can essentially get any item you want, when applied to Any% NCW it just became very apparent that Any% NCW turned into an inferior version of All Allies% where the runs would be too simillar to not make much sense to have them seperated, so in order to do this, we discussed between either banning/not allowing to use this strat on NCW and keep everything as is, or we merged the 2 categories and just seperated the older Any% NCW into a Any% No Glitch Menu, where you are simply not allowed to unlock the Glitch Menu.

After discussing, we weighted back and forth the pros and cons, and came to the conclusion that our decision would have to be based on Accessability vs Fun, since both these categories are restricted categories (or community created specific categories, unlike standards ones like Any% or Glitchess).

One vote went to simply ban the Money Slot Glitch from Any% NCW, in order to preserve the fun factor on that category and somewhat keep it accessible. The other 2 votes went for the other approach, because it didn't make much sense to allow the Dungeons Floor Unlock Glitch but not a new strat like the Money Slot Glitch simply to avoid making the category less fun, plus having a No Glitch Menu category would increase the accessability compared to Any% NCW and while making the rules much clearer.

UPDATE: As another last minute decision happened, Any% All Allies was renamed to Any% No Warping, since it was merged with Any% NCW, it no longer made sense to keep the rule where we'd need the player to get all 5 allies before completing the game. So to keep things more simple, on Any% No Warping now only has the same ruleset as the former Any% NCW where all glitches are allowed, except warping to and/or unlocking any new location.

PortugalMikeZorD5 years ago

Okay so for starters credits to WordOfWind for finding this, or at least elaborate on this strat. (Video below showcasing it)

I'm making this post for the community to discuss their thoughts on this. Myself, WordOfWind and Glitchedd have been recently theorycrafting on re-routing the Any% NCW category with the newly found strat.

The strat consists in accessing the glitch menu, and with money manipulation, being able pull out (almost) any item from the game (excluding atla for now). This includes quest items where we usually get from atla events and are usually required to access boss fights and recruit goro.

If one decided to just pull these quest items, theoretically they could skip atla and by combining this with the Dungeon Floor Unlock glitch, they could just skip to the boss fights. Rendering the run very close to a "True NCW" or even a regular Any% run.

So with this knowledge, and after lenghty discussion we came to the conclusion that the best solution for this, while keeping the category somewhat uniquely intact, is to just add a rule that prevents players to grab any quest items (that would allow to progress through the game) by any derivative of the glitch menu.

Finally, I ask of you, the community for this game on your thoughts, should this rule be added? Are there any possible solutions/problems we might have overlooked? And does this require a category name change?

MelonSlice vinden dit leuk
Over MikeZorD
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