Michigan, USAMIDIbusker8 years ago

If you have any ideas for this game's Speedrun.com presence - rulesets, categories, background images, top-3 medals, etc. - please post it here! Before you post, though, do a quick check to see if there is already a thread for your specific topic.

Thank you!


Michigan, USAMIDIbusker8 years ago

If you have any ideas for this game's Speedrun.com presence - rulesets, categories, background images, top-3 medals, etc. - please post it here! Before you post, though, do a quick check to see if there is already a thread for your specific topic.

Thank you!


thisishowmymindworks vinden dit leuk
Michigan, USAMIDIbusker8 years ago

Hello, everybody!

I'm BeardedBusker. My main speedgame is Out There Somewhere. I got a copy of Innoquous 5 in one of the Steam sales, then found the others (which are freeware), then noticed that there was no community page here for the games yet.

From Innoquous 3 onward, there is a built-in Speedrun mode, and I am told that some sort of global leaderboard functionality is still in the works for Innoquous 5. However, I will get this speedrun.com hub up and running all the same, just to have a place to congregate and organize!

If you have category suggestions or questions, it is probably best to post in the forum for the specific Innoquous title you're thinking about.

I will get a Mod Application Thread running for each game in the near future. Bear with me!

I will try to get categories set over the next week or so as of this posting (23 January 2017). Pardon my dust!

Have fun, and go fast!


Michigan, USAMIDIbusker8 years ago

Hi, guys! I just learned that our leaderboards are able to sort times both ascending and descending, meaning that the longest time can be displayed on top. So, I came up with kind of a fun diversion category: Grigori's Rocket Rodeo!

...Maybe not that title. That sounds like an innuendo.

In Grigori's Rocket Rodeo, your mission is to stay alive on the unwinnable opening shoot-'em-up for as long as possible. Time begins on New Game and ends when the crash cutscene is called. IGT is more convenient than RTA, which would have to start after the tutorial dialogue. Plus, no need to verify - there's literally no way to game the system on this one, so I guess in theory screenshots would count as proof.

An obvious con is that the opening cycle is really easy to predict. This video makes it look a lot harder than it is. I see 20- and 30-minute times being no problem for anyone truly determined.

But, if anyone else thinks this could be fun, check this out!

Also, I forgot that OBS records ALL speaker audio, not just the stuff you're thinking about recording, so enjoy the audio from Prettz's stream of Dark Souls III while you watch!

PrettzL, AfterDarq en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Michigan, USAMIDIbusker8 years ago

Hello, OTS runners! This post will be long. (Busker? Wordy? Never!) I will put a TL;DR at the end with the questions I'd like to discuss!

The new warp glitch and game editing are much more exciting, but there is another big discussion we have wanted to open up to the community for a while now: what to do with our 107% IGT category, and whether there could be any other interesting categories beyond our "Core Three."

Out There Somewhere does not acknowledge 100% completion, and so the community presently uses Collectibles% as its most thorough speedrun category. However, there are still two (and with my route, three) whole sectors of the game that go unexplored in Collectibles%. It seems the community sensed, long before I got here, that there should be a more "completionist" category as well. Perhaps Prettzl can fill in the story, because even from reading the forums I am lacking in knowledge.

Enter 107%. There IS a Steam achievement called "107%," which is strictly related to the number of screens Yuri travels in a single play-through. 107% then became the category name for a speedrun that would incorporate all of the elements of "beating a game into the ground." You explore everything, collect everything, kill everything, cue credits. Great, right?

There's one thing missing, though.

Along with "107%," there are two other Steam achievements that could be regarded as "completionist" achievements that add substance to a play-through. (Contrast this with the achievement for getting 30 teleshots on-screen at once.) "Have a Plan to Kill Everyone You Meet" is for killing all enemies at least once in a play-through, and "Diplomat" is for talking to all Aliens in a play-through. For some reason, the "Diplomat" achievement got dropped at some point, and runs were completed, submitted, and approved without it.

To me, it seems strange to name a category 107% and require anything more than the 107% achievement - unless you go all the way with it, which would surely require "Diplomat" as well. I brought this up before and the consensus was, "That makes sense, but why change a dead category? If we added the Diplomat achievement to the ruleset, none of the runs on the leaderboard would be valid. Then, we would just be wiping a leaderboard that is important to the community history, including the legacy of a retired OTS runner."

I agreed on this point, and I proposed a plan: not one, but FOUR Misc categories. One called "Diplomat," one called "HAPTKEYM," one called "107%," and one called "Completionist%," to include all three of those achievements as well as all collectibles. The response was "...Okay, but if nobody is even running these, why bother?"

Then TIHMMW churned out an amazing run of the current 107%, and suddenly the category wasn't dead.

I still think this community could benefit from runners branching out to other categories, and I think they would be especially useful for future races. I guess the bottom line is that I am not satisfied personally with 107% the way it stands, and I see an easy way to create a unified, stable ruleset incorporating the Steam achievements. However, it would have been senseless to wipe the category while it was dead, and now it would be kind of unsportsmanlike to change it so soon after TIHMMW mastered it. So, without further ado...


There is one achievement that is left out, seemingly by mistake, from our 107% category, as well as a few other holes in the ruleset. There are many changes that could be made for the sake of unity, but they might be more trouble than they're worth considering how lonely the category is.

  1. Are you interested enough in this category, or any other, that we should change or add anything?
  2. Do you think the "Diplomat" achievement for talking to all Aliens in one run-through should be included in our most "completionist" category?
  3. Why is 107% an IGT category? Should it stay that way? I'm actually mostly asking Prettz, Rezoons, Timbouton, and the people who were here before me. I have no clue whatsoever.
  4. Would you have an interest in categories that isolate individual achievements from the three that reward "completionist" tasks? (Kill all enemies, visit all screens, talk to all friendly NPCs.)
  5. Would you consider running 107% as it stands now? Would you prefer the current 107% to one that requires the "Diplomat" achievement?
rezoons, PrettzL en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Michigan, USAMIDIbusker8 years ago

So, this happened on my stream today (magic starts around 15 seconds):


It was in one of Natos's levels. Unfortunately, I am 95% convinced it has something to do with either the water, or else Yuri's proximity to the wall as he takes damage. But what if it has to do with how the wall is treating Yuri BEFORE the shot?

Does the game "store" collision the same way it stores y-velocity for a few frames after the shot? If so, it seems like we could actually make use of this in Grigori's Tower. Otherwise, just enjoy this amusing blooper. :)

Timbouton vinden dit leuk
Michigan, USAMIDIbusker8 years ago

Hello OTS runners,

Before tonight's races, one of Prettzl's friends made a great suggestion - a community Twitch channel. When more than two of us are racing, a spectator with good Internet can stream all of them at once in Multitwitch (or another service) and broadcast that back out.

So, it is with pleasure that I announce our community Twitch channel! http://twitch.tv/otscommunity

If we do a lot of races (and I hope we do), we can send people to this one channel, which will make it easier to grow the conversation about the game. Then, if one of us streams on our own, we can use this channel to host, and hopefully we can pick up some new viewers that way!

Obviously, there is not much there right now. I forgot to tell it to archive broadcasts before the races... whoops! Next time, we will have the broadcast saved. We also need a profile image and a banner (offline screen). I kind of like the game image and background that are used here... does anybody have a copy of the background image? I can't seem to extract it from speedrun.com.

This channel will be best if we can all log on to it, but I don't want to just post the password in a public forum. (What if those guys from VVVVVV or Wings of Vi come here and hack our channel? Kappa ) Message me on Twitch, Twitter, or Discord and I will give you the password. :-)

AfterDarq vinden dit leuk
Michigan, USAMIDIbusker8 years ago

Name's Busker. I'm probably a little bit too old to be getting into this as a new hobby, but not old enough that I'm totally out-of-place.

Right now, I'm a single-game runner - namely, Out There Somewhere, which I recommend aggressively whenever I get the chance. I'm thinking of picking up Polarity soon, and seeing where that gets me. I take a pretty chill approach to speedrunning - I enjoy the process of improvement, problem-solving, and optimizing and focus on that much more than the product of a top-tier time.

I also like to stream casual play of off-the-beaten-path Steam games that I get on sale for the price of a gumball. Last but not least, I'm a musician, so I sometimes arrange video game music in classical instrumentations on-stream. Feel free to come say hi!

PrettzL vinden dit leuk
Michigan, USAMIDIbusker8 years ago

Good day, community,

I am thinking about getting into speedrunning Polarity, and I am amazed by the top runs I have watched! I definitely need to get much better at the basic gameplay before I worry about shaving seconds and putting together runs, but I was wondering if anybody had any recommendations for planning my learning.

I was thinking of starting with ILs, for the obvious reason that this helps me focus on small sections at one time, and also allows me to spot "problem" areas for runs. Beyond this, are there certain levels that would be better to start with? I could see where some of the middle levels would be harder than the later ones, or where certain levels are better for learning certain tricks.

The category that catches my eye to learn is Story 100%, but if you guys recommend starting with a different category, please let me know! Thank you for your time.

Michigan, USAMIDIbusker9 years ago

Hi, OTS community!

From the looks of it, you guys all got done shredding this game a while ago, and I'm very late to the party, but I just wanted to say I've had a blast watching many of your runs and trying a few myself. I'm learning... slowly... and I had one curiosity, just in case it can be helpful to a run somewhere.

What determines the movement of Chompers? The first several times, I assumed they just moved on a fixed path, and that the cycle started when the room loaded. But I've noticed in Null Field, that little guy doesn't always behave predictably. Sometimes he does his thing, but sometimes he gets squashed. If I die just past the checkpoint, a lot of times he gets bopped when the room reloads. Then, sometimes if I feel punchy and spam teleport shots, the same thing happens. Is it that the game just tells it to turn around at set intervals, and reloading the room/mashing commands de-syncs those intervals?

I can only think of two or three rooms that even involve close calls with Chompers, and so I don't know if this is worth exploring if not known. I'm just really curious if anyone happens to know!

Over MIDIbusker
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