Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

<3 it I was tearing up over it, and that is why the passion is loved by so many of us. <3 Kudos Adam and all the people that were shown in that brief trailer. SO hyped for this!

topic: NieR
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

I am currently setting up a 100% play-through file to get all endings and then duplicate the file and possibly upload it for 100% runs. This will take some time as the set up for this will take allot of game time probably more then 30 hrs easily, I need to farm for the money to get all the weapons and get the previous endings as well. Since the game counts all the time from each play-through keep track of the initial starting time before the actual run when it's ready will be important, you would need to subtract the initial time from the finial save time after credit roll or use standard RTA as per outlined.

At some point along the way I will also hope to get the other run category's set up with files as well fro those. Generally the main runs are only Any% which is the easiest and less time consuming due to no required set up, to compete with, So I'll be trying to make saves that will already be set up for those Other runs. <3 in mean time looking forward to others they may wanna get into speed running this game before its sequel comes.

topic: The Site
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

to create IL's if your have moderation access to the "games edit" page feature, you need to set up the IL's properly and makes sure you have named the IL's and the categories are set up for them. Make sure they are named, have specific rules and easy to read and follow, the number of players required for the IL/Category and tick the box if its a misc/just for fun category or not.

Make sure as well that Main games info is set up to properly show by default - Full-game runs or IL runs. Make sure that you hit that save button and then submit or check for any runs that require verification, this includes your own.

To have a run show up, the run must be Verified and accept by the Mods of the game(s). If you are a mod of the game then you need to do the following when submitting runs for yourself. You need to make sure near the bottom of the submit run page for the IL for the game or w/e etc you check the box that says "Automatically verify Run". that should have your run show up now that it's verified, if you have any pending runs there will be a notification in the Shield icon next to your name on the top right, click it for the drop down and check the notifications that way.

Ame similar process should apply, hope at least some of this is valid and helps.

topic: Talk
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

This approval process takes time, be patient with the admins, as they are only a few of them that maintain and run the site through free will and support. Once it's submitted just wait till you get the notification about the request, same apply to submitting actual runs. <3

MuchWhittering en Trollbear666 vindt dit leuk
topic: The Site
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Well if they only showed up for when they already had a run, that would kinda feel bad to them if others that do stream that game wanted to pop in watch and then offer some help or advice... they would not see them on the listings. I feel that it should be an opt in/out and for further control it should be watched for much like SRL for people that are not actively doing something speed running related. If they are running / routing they should so up regardless if they already run the game or not. If they are not doing something run related, and they do not have the [noSRL] filter or w/e on they should be warned and removed from the streams listing for a increasing duration from # of offenses that were issued.

This is just my outlook on this, but as I currently see it there is already some of a filter going on, but if people do not use the filter tags that is their choice and hence if they are found abusing this should be dealt with accordingly.

I frequently play allot of random stuff just cause i want to, but I do run games a fair portion of the time. I use the SRL tags as do many of the people I know when we play non-run related games or stuff.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Welcome to our humble Competitive community of runners, enjoy your time here learn some games have some fun. And best of all BRING HOME THE PB'S! mhmmmmmm PB'S <3

EastiEvilDead en chippi vindt dit leuk
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Generally Tampering with anything outside the games normal means is considered cheating. This is as per Speed Demo Archives rulings as well as many other places. Everything done to a game be it glitching or whatever you do must be done within the game its self and with no other tools or programs tampering with it, to be considered valid on a competitive level.

Any further game specific questions should always be answered in the games specific forums.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Generally if no other known times are found to be faster/better then It can be classed as WR, but don't let that ruin the whole ideal of doing it. Remember much like anything else competitive we must remain Sportsmen like and enjoy the thrill of it. Also most people uncontested, try and perfect those runs to keep it that way but that doesn't mean someone else could potentially find something new out that may save some time. practice makes for improvement. <3

In summary as long as its the KNOWN FASTEST/BEST TIME then yes it can be called World Record, tho here we track our runs on a competitive and active manner amongst the community so we generally should not be super concerned about WR runs elsewhere unless we wish to aim our PB's higher for that goal. But everyone has their own goals and style for running.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

As was stated by Klashik, Serious runners would find a way to invest into getting a decent capture card to record. Makes things allot easier and you are able to keep a local copy as back up just encase. <3

Mean time just set your PS4/Xbone to stream right to twitch, you do not need archiving on since it won't keep any vods longer then 2 weeks anyways. But once you do have a run(s) done you can go and highlight them and cut them out of the past broadcast and then submit those, just make sure the time is verifiable and maybe also locally record time as a percaution and submit that as well with the splits uploaded here maybe as well.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Well guess you need to find a game you enjoy or that you think you will find interesting to break apart and learn the tricks and mechanics for and learn more about creating and using starts for running and how to appropriately time and record runs, but the main thing to remember is always to have fun with it and take it step by step as you learn. <3

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Hello <3

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Another thing to note as well that may be of use if no actual video proof is available or to solidify the submission to a leaderboards would be to have some credible people that have seen the run and can vouch for it and also possible supply proof for it themselves? If no solid video proof that is credible then a run should not be posted to a leaderboard, having others vouch for runs to be submitted would mostly only apply to runs that were done with 2 or more people and if they can produce proof themselves.

Mostly just my thoughts, but it generally something I've seen allot of talk about.

topic: Talk
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Everyone needs to listen to the NIER OST <3 its so damn good, and if you loved Shadow of Colossus and it's OST then your guaranteed to love NIER's OST for sure, there is about 4 different variations to the OST besides the amazing original one.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

I watched a lot of the runs and enjoyed them all, the only real thing that bothered me most times was the announcers being so awfully quiet you could not hear most times what they were talking about and when they read off donations that came in or other things that were important about the event.

One thing that kinda bugged me as well was the lack of updates on the schedule as I missed a few specific runs I wanted to see live, because the times were adjusted and not updated. Some of the runs happened allot later and others earlier then I saw on the schedule which caused some confusion for me and possibly others as well. Maybe more hands to handle that stuff might be needed next time around?

Generally I think it went well besides most times not having someone to sound check things, that could always be fixed and improved on for the next ESA. looking forward to the next one.

Alko vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

<3 This is a good thing then. Support is awesome and I find that an acceptable level Pac, thanks for the update on that as well. Good to see your back hope things went well for ESA I watched and had a blast.

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Alice Madness returns will be interesting one to start with and SotN definitely will take some practice for sure but both fun games. I wish you best of luck with your running endeavors and go for the glod!

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

It's not about being worse then someone else it's about getting better on a personal level. Not everyone was good they they started, takes time and practice.

Anyways Welcome. <3

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

contact the people that manage the game, if they have a twitter then just send them a message or make a forum post about it. Else you can contact one of these people about further help. (staff)-

Ontario, CanadaMASH9 years ago

Well good luck that Flip. <3 I hope at some point I'll be able to record older games but need to track down the systems again and get a upscaler or something for them.

ARPGME Organizer, RRLAT Tech Admin, Marathon/Event Staff and Volunteer.
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