United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

What version of dosbox is being used?

United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

It's definitely ghosts.

Osmosis_Jones, Tenka en 4 anderen vindt dit leuk
United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

Might want to ask the Star Allies forum. There's forums in each game's section.

Darkruppees, ShikenNuggets en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

The timer is really just for you. It helps you see how you're doing. Nothing more.

United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

You could also go to the local Goodwill and buy a second monitor. They're usually 20 bucks.

KomradeKontroll vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
United StatesKrayzar6 years ago
  1. Folks should really move this conversation elsewhere. It's disruptive to the function of this thread. And I'm about to disrupt it more with this, but...

  2. I feel this needs to be said as a couple people have made mention that communities don't matter or shouldn't matter to leader boards. While I personally agree with the sentiment that leader boards should be impartial, there's no magical gnomes that maintain leader boards. There's no cyberpunk novel A.I., and no magical guardian beasts tasked with world record keeping for video games either. Communities maintain leader boards, communities ARE the leader boards. Communities are who you are competing against and helping find new strategies. Community is the very foundation of this hobby, and saying it doesn't matter is fundamentally not understanding the who and how of why leader boards exist in the first place. Therefore, no matter what your opinions are, leader boards are community based. That said, communities are human, and humans are flawed.

I think everyone agrees in theory that everything should be about the content of the run. That's not the issue.

The issue is you are asking the admin team at SRC to effectively seize control of a board, kick the community that runs it out (used to run it, really, since it moved off site), and appoint you or someone else favorable to you a moderator of it just so you can display your runs somewhere. You'll be the only one using that board. Why should they do this? What does it get you? And why not try to engage the community (other than the mods you pissed off) at the other site first? Why is anyone here obligated to help you over the community over there? What authority does SRC have to do this really, when the actual community has no say in this?

I don't know what boards you're looking at here, but from my perspective, the admin team here almost always sides with the majority of the community when it comes to stepping in when moderation comes off the rails. Their function is to facilitate communities figuring out their leader boards themselves, even if that means that the community chooses to make leader boards elsewhere, and SRC giving up oversight. That is what impartiality looks like.

I've said my piece.

YUMmy_Bacon5 en Banks vindt dit leuk
topic: The Site
United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

Dude, you are not owed a platform if you pissed off the community behind the board. SRC does not owe you a place to put your runs just because another board is mistreating you. Boards are community based, not ruled by the site mods, and no one here can do anything about an external board anyways.

And frankly, your comparisons are at best tone deaf and offensive.

YUMmy_Bacon5 vinden dit leuk
United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

Well, uh, @Silentsigil and I run at least one game in common, and I'd have to agree with him. Pretty much everything we both run should be more popular.

Heck Tyrian 2000 is literally free, Xanadu Next is super interesting, Castle of the Winds has so many game breaking bugs to choose from and is bizarre to watch/play (there's literally three main methods of movement too), the PC version of FFIV is uh, FFIV and still a main line Final Fantasy game, and the Darkstalkers series is the freakin' Darkstalkers series.

topic: Talk
United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

Deranger is cool. Looks a little like the Darkstalkers 3 system font. Not the most easily read thing in the world, but decent compared to a few stylish others.

United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

Like the title says, it might be be interesting.

Gold Lightan and PTX-40A are likely the only characters really capable of sub 10 times, so it might allow for some more varied strategies.

topic: Talk
United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

In order of most favored:

Red Pink Black Periwinkle

topic: Talk
United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

Folks are telling you to build or buy from a custom builder for a reason, but if you simply must have a brand name, non-used PC, try an HP Omen. They're fairly reasonable comparatively. I personally still think the mark up is insane.

Laptop Solution:

Not gonna run games at anything over low-medium and stream, but is affordable, portable and pretty. If you're speedrunning though, you really don't want your graphics to be on medium-high settings.

Desktop solutions: Intel:

Has an NVMe SSD and a main 1TB drive. Graphics card is capable of solid medium settings in most games if you really must have them at that. No Monitor.


No SSD, worse Graphics card, no monitor. Will barely run things on medium settings for most games.

topic: The Site
United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

Yeeeeah... No. The whole innocent until proven guilty stance is great for courts of law, but not here. You can and should be able to reject or delay the approval of a suspect run pending a skill check or more detailed analysis, especially when the runner has no prior history with the game.

Otherwise it's unfair to the other runners, and the community.

ShikenNuggets vinden dit leuk
United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

Maybe an image of the timer with a link to a video on a more lenient platform would do? That way it's not embedded on the site. But perhaps even a link to an image host with yet another link in the description of that host to a supporting platform might be better. That way nothing is directly associated here. You'd really have to ask the site mods what would be an acceptable solution though.

Excuse my ignorance of the genre, but are there explicit games that require a lot of skill? I'd imagine there's some out there with a lot of bugs, so I guess speedrunning in that context isn't much of a stretch there...

topic: Talk
United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

Honestly? Oh boy this might seem like a downer. But to me, it's not.

So, I was born with half a working heart, and at 3 years old, I had a surgery to reroute things so my half-heart could function similarly to a normal one. It went pretty well except for the part where I was dead for a few minutes. I couldn't talk well for over a year after surgery and I was barely coordinated enough to hold a ball.

3 years later, my cardiologist told my parents to get me a video game system as this would improve my severely damaged motor skills. So they came home with a Super Nintendo one day, and I hated it. I sucked, bad. I wanted to play with the box it came in more that the console itself - that was more fun to me. But quite literally, I was forced to play it, by friends, then my sister and cousins, and finally my father. Over the course of two years, I managed to beat Super Mario World. It did improve my coordination. I could even play catch now too. To this day, I am still very grateful to that cardiologist.

Then at age 8, I was hospitalized with Kawasaki's disease, and was out of school for several months. Some kind soul donated an insane amount of original NES's and games to the hospital I recovered in, and I spent the better portion of a month "racing" other kids to beat Super Mario and Kirby's Adventure when I felt well enough. It was almost a year before I was back to some semblance of my old self and in school full time again.

Starting in 2004, with the advent of internet video, I became aware of speedrunning. It was not unlike what I used to do with friends and the kids at the hospital. Gave me the warm and fuzzies to see something I did to pass time during some particularly dark periods of my life out there in the world. I always kept tabs on speedrunning, swear I watched everything I could find on SDA. But I assumed I'd be no good, or at least not good enough to post videos.

So in 2011, I became aware of Games Done Quick. I had to have another heart surgery, a final revision to remove some tissue that was causing my heart to grow, and ended up being out of work for 3 months recovering. Watched the whole event in awe. Wow, folks are actually doing this for charity now. Heck I know doctors affiliated with MSF do my exact surgery in developing countries. Warm and fuzzies. I cried when it was over, then quickly realized there was tons more to watch, and spent most of my recovery doing just that. So I donated a little every year after that. Still thought I could probably never do this myself.

So now it's 2018. I have an auto immune disorder that causes nerve pain and muscle twitches. A life time of surgery and rare diseases will do that to ya. I stare at my reflection in my CRT TV one day, and it dawns on me that I literally have nothing to lose. If I suck, it's the pain and twitching. If I don't, it's in spite of it.

So I look up a few games I know here, realize that I know a few secrets that haven't been found, and a few strategies no one is using. And I go for it. And it turns out I can do it. Perhaps I'll never be capable of a 5 minute Super Mario run, but hey it's fun and it's something. I especially love it when folks beat my times with strategies I developed, something I really didn't expect to enjoy to be honest.

My wife probably thinks I'm crazy, but she's been rather supportive through out, and I swear I'll turn her eventually. There's some two player games I need her for! =P

So in short I'm here because I love this. Whatever this speedrunning thing is. Truly believe there's a lot of good in this hobby, and in this community.

Halfheartedly yours,

Krayzar =P

PS: If you're reading this and you're STILL on the fence about whether you can speedrun... YOU CAN! DO IT, DO IT NOW! You need not beat anyone but yourself. It's about doing YOUR best, not beating the WR! I will go out of my way to help you if I can!

Winter_Doggo, Ivanzypher en 4 anderen vindt dit leuk
United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

Just to give you an idea, my streaming computer is 7 years old and streams pretty much everything wonderfully.

It has the following: i7 Intel, 6 cores 24gb of ddr3 1066 ram NVidia 760ti GPU A solid state drive over a sata connection

In 2011, it was state of the art. Bought it as a present to myself after heart surgery. Now, my work laptop beats it handily at nearly everything, including gaming.

Point is, anything with a recent i5 (or AMD equivalent), 8gbs of RAM, a halfway decent GPU, and a solid state drive is very capable for streaming. Unless you are trying to play cutting edge PC games at max settings (which for speedrunning is a terrible idea anyways), it should be fine.

topic: Talk
United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

Yeah, I gotta agree. If it's not listed on one of those, there's a good chance it's not even remotely interesting.

United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

Well, which consoles are you thinking of capturing? That's where to start really. There's a lot of different options depending on what you're looking to capture.

United StatesKrayzar6 years ago

Gotcha, cool! That's what I'd prefer! Sorry if I was unclear!

Over Krayzar
Speedrunner, Coder, Karaoke Clown, Literal Amphibious Cyborg, Made of 75% Weasels by volume.
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