Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

You can’t flurry rush without a weapon Also bromie is right: please run it yourself before suggesting.

ThunderBlade64 vinden dit leuk
Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

Okay Some of you guys at least to me seem to be missing a few things that I want to point out (or maybe I’m dumb and they have already been said)

You can’t skip runes/slate from a new game, especially without collecting anything else as well Blights + Ganon with only bombs would both be difficult and egregiously slow, which would make this similar to the “Ganon with tree branches” category that was suggested a while ago: long but not interesting or fun to run This game is still under 3 years old; new stuff is still being discovered, it’s not like OoT or TWW

These partially are my own opinions; I personally don’t think it’s a good idea but we will see

ThunderBlade64 en Mikey vindt dit leuk
Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

I mean something that isn’t even a category and isn’t on a super popular board Look at all koroks: it’s been a category for a while Please consider if people would actually run the category you are suggesting; you have suggested lots of categories and none have been added and frankly it’s getting annoying (no offense)

Kend, linny356 en 5 anderen vindt dit leuk
Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

I don’t believe this would become popular enough to be added Simply put: this category is either too arbitrary and is most likely going to be similar to any% Plus any% barely gets anything in the first place

Rye_1 en Yoshiruns vindt dit leuk
Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

He didn’t say that...? Anyways this seems too long and I don’t think anyone would run it

Fishal vinden dit leuk
Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

Rules: Timing starts like any other run Timing ends the frame the activation arrow shows up (like plateau) after cooking the bread The recipe for bread is 1 rock salt and 1 tabantha wheat

Runs: (Sorted by Time) @Xeryph @TooGoodMules (Retimed to 20:29.200) @Komali @Z2W (Retimed to 25:04 even) @Yoshiruns (Retimed to 31:08.600) @TheBreadPirate (BUG LIMIT, Retimed to 36:43.733) @RandomGamerNX (BUG LIMIT)

AdmTCrumpet, Fishal en 3 anderen vindt dit leuk
Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

The thing is this is almost identical to die% bees; the movement would be about the same as far as I can tell

Fishal en CyanWes vindt dit leuk
Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

The thing is this is almost identical to die% bees; the movement would be about the same as far as I can tell

Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

Because some people don’t run things just because their favorite streamer ran it

(No offense to limcube)

Fishal, Stompee, en ShadowOrbs3 vindt dit leuk
Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

Idk; there are a ton of super short categories already, its not gonna be any different just another category for Dovakine to get wr on :P

Fishal, ShadowOrbs3, en linny356 vindt dit leuk
Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago
  1. That’s not how the game works
  2. It’s already added, we can stop discussing it yeesh
Fishal vinden dit leuk
Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

You can’t do BL for this Also, no offense but most likely this would get at most 4 runs total

Fishal vinden dit leuk
Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

If you want people to run a category, I suggest running it yourself No offense, but you have suggested tons of categories and nobody has run any of them

CyanWes, The_Bromie, en ThunderBlade64 vindt dit leuk
Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago
  1. Please don’t just suggest a category just so “x person can run this”
  2. What is the point of this category? It seems very arbitrary
  3. If you want a category to be added, at least run it yourself; don’t just ask others to run it for you
The_Bromie vinden dit leuk
Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

I mean that’s basically the old route for ems (early master sword, aka ms no restrictions) without the wrong warping stuff

Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

Please only post submissions here; again this is not the spot to discuss potential categories. If you want to suggest one make a thread

CyanWes vinden dit leuk
Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

I assumed so; in that case its basically Die% Guardian plus Bombs clip I can still run it but I'm not sure if it is the best idea Also for timing i think the first frame of the falling animation is good; jump slash seems unnecessary

Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

cryo is fastest? huh, ill have to test that later this week (if i remember) also stasis is probably possible but tricky; the death barrier only extends so far...

Tennessee, USAKomali3 years ago

I'm doing some test runs and I am pretty sure the fastest strat is just to go to bombs, and then its still pretty similar to guardian.

ThunderBlade64 vinden dit leuk
Over Komali
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