Kentucky, USAKarusDaedlyn4 years ago

Finished recording an "all Republic Missions" run but found the recording to be a bit choppy in a few places. The choppiness is reflected in the livesplit as well, but I'm not sure if the level of choppiness would be disqualifying.

Run is uncut from beginning to end, just hopping to main menu to switch away from Imp missions. Will upload to YouTube later and submit if that's okay.

Kentucky, USAKarusDaedlyn4 years ago

There is a game I would like to add to the site, it does belong to a series, and I have contacted the moderator. This topic is more to get the general thoughts from community.

The game in question is very unstable, it is a PC game created during a brief period of time between DOS and XP, meant to run on Windows 98. Through third party applications (designed to translate video for modern machines) it can run, but can be prone to crashes.

I have completed a run, and paused timer for each crash, restarting as I loaded back in. I wasn't particularly worried about the specific time, I want it recorded for posterity. At the same time, I realize technical issues may make it non-competitive, but again, I figure if there's at least a start then maybe over time we may be able to pool thoughts on how to fix the issues for good.

Any thoughts? Is it okay to run a game that may be difficult to even get to work?

Kentucky, USAKarusDaedlyn4 years ago

Apologies, I'm asking similar questions in multiple forums, but I just want to be sure I do things right when I do them :)

I notice there aren't many rules for Mercenary 100%, and so I wanted to check first. Is it merely a complete playthrough, without abusing glitches?

If so, similar to my post in the MW2 forum, would a submission be okay as long as it is a recording of the game from start to finish, even if reloads are necessary for mission failures? Obviously, that would be sub-optimal, but I would like to complete a run and then submit it, and then improve on said time afterwards.

Kentucky, USAKarusDaedlyn4 years ago

I am relatively new to the speedrunning community, and so I wanted to ask what would be required for submitting a run to this game.

I am hardly an expert at this game, and after viewing the runs already here, not sure I can be quite as competitive at the current record holders.

But I would like to submit one, even if it has some missteps and failures, and improve on that over time. I just know that a general rule of most submissions is, every submission needs to be an attempt at a speedrun, not just a video of casual gameplay.

Just curious if I run this, even if it's full of mistakes, even maybe a reset or two, it would still be okay to submit as long as the current criteria are met, of playing on Medium and keeping heat tracking on.

Kentucky, USAKarusDaedlyn4 years ago

I'm relatively new to speedrunning in general, but had a question for moderators of this game.

If someone were to set up to do a full playthrough, would it be okay to play using a new save file? I notice for level splits, using combat simulator is fairer since you cannot change loadouts.

But, in a full playthrough, would that really be necessary? I figure the hardest part about a full playthrough will just managing it in a single session, and anything loadout-wise that may help shorten it would be good.

I know it's unlikely to get many submissions, but I was thinking of challenges I could manage, and felt like giving it a try.

Hodge vinden dit leuk
Kentucky, USAKarusDaedlyn4 years ago

Hello, I have a few questions about rules for running this game as well as the possibility of adding any categories.

#1 - How should we record it? I have both a physical copy + FCEUX, but cannot easily set up a capture card in my home right now. Just curious on what method of recording would be acceptable for uploading runs?

#2 - Is there a possibility of getting a few more categories? I was thinking something along the lines of 'all historical scenarios', or 'highest war patrol rank.'

Kentucky, USAKarusDaedlyn4 years ago

Hey everyone, I'm Karus. With a lot of extra time on my hands at the moment, finally had a revelation that I might be able to actually compete and submit some of my own speedruns here.

I do have a lot of questions, which I know isn't really the point of this forum, but if there's any advice y'all have I'd love it!

My goal is to run Silent Service, an old NES game. But, to be honest, I don't know where to start. I have a physical copy and original NES, and finally have a capture device for analog, but no dedicated PC for it yet. Also can run it on FCEUX, but not sure if that's allowed.

There's lots of little questions I'm sure I'm missing. Like...if time starts when I make a menu selection, I'm not sure how to start a 'split' graphic on the screen or anything.

Also not sure how to make a submission for a category that doesn't exist yet. >.>

Sorry, that was a ton of questions and very little intro. Anyways, I'm really interested in running this game, it has a lot of sentimental value for me. My grandfather used to play it with me a ton while I was growing up. He was a Navy veteran, and I am too. It's kinda interesting too that we both love it, neither one of us was ever on a submarine.

Anyways...that's about it for initial post. Sorry for such a long one, I tend to write/type a lot. Good to meet ya in advance!

Laika_the_Spacedog vinden dit leuk
Over KarusDaedlyn
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