topic: Futurama
EnglandJoee5 years ago

Sorry for not seeing this until now! Yes, emulator is fine - there is a skip on Old New York that is not possible on emulator/PS2 however

EnglandJoee5 years ago

Except it's not accurate to how the game is actually played on real hardware, which is what should be shown first.

Spikestuff vinden dit leuk
EnglandJoee5 years ago

Predictable response but the number of runs shouldn't matter when it's a question of accuracy

Those emulator runs won't disappear, it just helps to show it's inaccurate if it's not shown first.

I don't expect this to happen because you seem kinda defensive of your emulator record but just something to consider

Spikestuff vinden dit leuk
EnglandJoee5 years ago

Any reason emulator is listed first out of the two when proven to be inaccurate?

Surely you should be pushing people to run on the accurate hardware

EnglandJoee5 years ago

Howdy y'all!

Thank you everyone for your feedback, whether it was as an attendee, viewer or watcher – all feedback is extremely valuable to the organising team. We’d like to take this time to answer some of the main concerns that came up in everyone’s feedback and hopefully provide some context on decisions we made etc. Let me first say that the one thing we really strived for from an organising standpoint was clarity and communication from the organisers – I know we all did our best to clearly state all aspects of the marathon (even prior to the event start, i.e. game choice) and this is something I’m happy is reflected in the answers given on the feedback form. So, let’s tackle the main issues presented during the marathon, talk about some of the positives and conclude with where the event lies going forward.

Internet Issues This was honestly a major stumbling block for us, it wasn’t something we were expecting to go wrong and even if we had access on our test day, there’s no guarantee that this wouldn’t have presented an issue on the day. Unfortunately, because it was so sudden (about 10 minutes before the marathon) we rushed into a bandaid fix and this meant the local recordings also suffered from a drop in quality. I take all blame on this regard (Hennejoe) I changed the stream settings on OBS which unfortunately changed the local recording settings also – this is different from my set up at home where they are two separate entities but I didn’t double check this and as such the first 3 runs of the marathon suffered from this harsh drop in quality, even as far as Super Monkey Ball recording being almost unusable.

Donation Tracker Unfortunately, the donation tracker on broke and wouldn’t register any donations on the site. This was a huge let down for us and we’ll be doing everything to avoid using for this feature in any future events. Attempts were made to fix this prior to the marathon but ultimately it was something only the site creator could rectify reliably and he was uncontactable.

Stream Room There was lots of feedback that the stream room was too small or too crowded and we agree. QuickCade was originally planned for around 30 attendees over the 2 days – I believe the room to have more suitable dimensions for this amount of people. However, we ended up selling 56 tickets in total, the majority of these being 2 day tickets. This definitely made the room feel cramped and unappealing to many. I am thankful at least that the seating that was provided was generally well received, the laid back atmosphere from having couches and beanbags is a welcome addition to the usual conference room seating found in so many different marathons.

Stream Room Audio I thought it would be best to give this it’s own section as it was definitely an element that many felt strongly about in their feedback. The solution we ended up providing was not up to the standard we’d hoped. I think this could be chalked up to an error that we may have been able to solve on the extra set up day we didn’t get to use. We could have tried varying levels of speaker volume, speaker positioning etc that may have made this a better viewing experience for everyone and resolved some of this issue for people but as stated previously, I don’t want to lean back on this excuse too much as I should have gotten the permission for the setup day in writing as opposed to verbal agreement.

Run Cuts Unfortunately, there were some runs cut from the event - we really wanted to avoid this but it started to become unavoidable after the way the event started. We prioritised runs that staff had first so to minimise disappointment from the runner’s side. There were still two runs cut outside of this, one due to technical difficulties getting the game to work and the other as a suggestion from the runner themselves as a sacrifice to help us end on time.

Toilets This was an oversight, I don’t think it was something we talked about on either of our setup days in February and we definitely should have had some plan for toilet usage past 5pm. On the day, I managed to wrangle a deal with the pub/bar next door (on the immediate right when you walk out of HOG), I was able to pay a retainer to the staff and they stayed until 11pm so we could use their toilets. This was announced in #announcements though I think maybe it could have been made clearer from a staff standpoint. This deal was also only valid for the Saturday, the Sunday still had the vastly reduced access to toilet facilities. This oversight won’t be made again.

Loud Venue This is a valid feedback point though I’m not sure if we could have done much to combat it. I found that my voice was absolutely destroyed for about a week after the event because of constantly having to raise my voice to be heard. This is something that will be considered when choosing venue for the next event.

Arcade Machines Some of the arcade machines were in a state of disrepair, unfortunately there’s not much we can do regarding this as we’re not affiliated with the HOG in that sort of capacity. Hopefully they can use some of the money from the ticket sales to give them a polish and shine!

Expenses In the interest of the clarity mentioned above, here’s a small diagram on how the money was used for the event – this is in GBP.

Moving Forward… As the diagram above implies, we are interested in putting on another event. We’re currently searching for venues that are appropriate for an event of 50-100 people just to be on the safe side. We still want to incorporate an area that can provide plenty of side activities or at the very least provide a place where we can set up a practice area for everyone to chill in. Whilst the HOG was very kind to us in terms of freedom and cost of renting the space. The venue I think is unfit for event of this scale and type. We’ll be using the feedback form answers heavily when selecting a new venue so if you haven’t already, please note down your thoughts on the event in either the discord channel or the google feedback form here:

We definitely plan to scale everything up to meet the event’s expectations for next time. This will mean slicker graphics, integrated tracker and an overall less janky audio setup. We learned an absolute ton over the course of the event and we can thankfully use that information going forward and implement it into the next event.

I think overall the event was a success from our side, there’s so much we could have done better but I think we dealt with the majority of issues that cropped up as well as we could and kept as many people happy as we could.

As before, we’ll try to incorporate the community in as many decisions as we possibly can - thank you to everyone who watched, attended and ran at the event, you’re all the best and we’ll do everything we can to put on an even better event next time.

Let us know if you have any further questions and we can answer in the thread below!

zed0, zoton2 en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
EnglandJoee5 years ago

Use the following link to get to the discord server!

EnglandJoee5 years ago

Thought I'd drop some info on where the event is taking place

Address The Whitgift Centre Croydon, United Kingdom CR0 1LP

How To Get There

You'll want to arrive at East Croydon Station for ease of travel - clicking the link above will show you how to get to the venue after a short walk.

East Croydon station is easily accessible via a 20 minute journey from Victoria Station, one of London's largest train stations.

The Venue is part of a shopping centre, located on the 2nd floor. The signage indicating where the venue is located isn't great but the shopping centre is relatively small so a small search is all the is needed.

Alternatively, I will be checking the Discord on the day for any wayward travellers that can't find their way.

If you have any questions, please post them below!

EnglandJoee5 years ago

Howdy Folks!

The schedule has been UNLEASHED

Congratulations to all who managed to make it!

This was harder than anticipated! We ended up with 50+ hours worth of submissions which we had to cut down to just 20 whilst working around everyone's availability.

If your game did not make it, do not fret! As with most marathons there can be dropouts and EVERYONE who submitted will be considered as a backup game so keep an eye on things and we'll contact you if your run is needed.

If you have any questions about why something was rejected/chosen over another one of your runs then please DM me on twitter - @Hennejoe

Expect to have details released on ticket information before the month is over to give everyone ample time to purchase a ticket.

Also very important - @All PC runners - I'll be contacting you individually on discord to get your PC games preinstalled on the runner PC via a remote session in the run up to the event.

If you have any questions or queries, please ask in the thread below.

EnglandJoee5 years ago

Tickets are now on sale here:

You can buy a one or two day pass - if you have any issues then please message here or let an organiser in the discord know:

Please try to buy your tickets at least a week before the event - this will give ample enough time to pass your username to the venue so you can be allowed entry.

Tickets will be on sale all the way through up until the event starts.

EnglandJoee6 years ago

Tickets are now on sale here:

You can buy a one or two day pass - if you have any issues then please message here or let an organiser in the discord know:

Please try to buy your tickets at least a week before the event - this will give ample enough time to pass your username to the venue so you can be allowed entry.

Tickets will be on sale all the way through up until the event starts.

EnglandJoee6 years ago

Howdy Folks!

The schedule has been UNLEASHED

Congratulations to all who managed to make it!

This was harder than anticipated! We ended up with 50+ hours worth of submissions which we had to cut down to just 20 whilst working around everyone's availability.

If your game did not make it, do not fret! As with most marathons there can be dropouts and EVERYONE who submitted will be considered as a backup game so keep an eye on things and we'll contact you if your run is needed.

If you have any questions about why something was rejected/chosen over another one of your runs then please DM me on twitter - @Hennejoe

Expect to have details released on ticket information before the month is over to give everyone ample time to purchase a ticket.

Also very important - @All PC runners - I'll be contacting you individually on discord to get your PC games preinstalled on the runner PC via a remote session in the run up to the event.

If you have any questions or queries, please ask in the thread below.

Drakodan vinden dit leuk
EnglandJoee6 years ago

Use the following link to get to the discord server!

EnglandJoee6 years ago

Thought I'd drop some info on where the event is taking place

Address The Whitgift Centre Croydon, United Kingdom CR0 1LP

How To Get There

You'll want to arrive at East Croydon Station for ease of travel - clicking the link above will show you how to get to the venue after a short walk.

East Croydon station is easily accessible via a 20 minute journey from Victoria Station, one of London's largest train stations.

The Venue is part of a shopping centre, located on the 2nd floor. The signage indicating where the venue is located isn't great but the shopping centre is relatively small so a small search is all the is needed.

Alternatively, I will be checking the Discord on the day for any wayward travellers that can't find their way.

If you have any questions, please post them below!

EnglandJoee6 years ago

I don't think there'll be that many submissions in total so I didn't bother specifying a limit, around 5 games 5 categories is a good benchmark but if you truly wanted to submit more than that, I'd be okay with that - I don't think the amount of submissions will be that high in general so we should be able to sort through them all regardless!

EnglandJoee6 years ago

Howdy Folks,

Submissions are officially open!

Submission Period: Jan 1st - Jan 21st Accepted Submissions: February 3rd Final game list and schedule: February 17th

Here are the rules:

  • Single player runs only, no races
  • Any console is allowed though you are expected to bring your own console
  • Please bear in mind the length of the marathon is not long so longer runs have less chance of making it through (2+ hours)
  • All games must adhere to Twitch Community Guidelines
cleverpidgeon vinden dit leuk
EnglandJoee6 years ago

What is QuickCade?

QuickCade is a small two day speed marathon raising money for DementiaUK, a charity that aims to help people suffering with dementia and the families that suffer with them. DementiaUK employs and trains "Admiral Nurses" that are all qualified nurses with a professional specialism in dementia. Their extensive clinical training and experience means they can support families and people with dementia through the most complex of situations such as offer advice on medication, on changing or worsening symptoms and on therapeutic interventions.

When is QuickCade

QuickCade will take place on March 30th - 31st

Where is QuickCade

It will take place in Croydon's Heart of Gaming Arcade, pictures can be found here:

It will be livestreamed on twitch at

How can I QuickCade?

Okay, that doesn't make much sense as a question but if you're a UK speedrunner (or international and fancy a two day trip to London!) and you want to help out, please join the discord:

Submissions will be opening on the 1st of January!

If you have any questions then please ask below.

snerck en Elgu vindt dit leuk
topic: The Site
EnglandJoee7 years ago

Change name to Hennejoe please

EnglandJoee7 years ago

Sadly I have to pull out as I cant get the time off work :(

EnglandJoee7 years ago

family guy back to the multiverse hype!

EnglandJoee8 years ago

Don't run it on the xbox one is my tip

Abby vinden dit leuk
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