topic: Bastion
Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth4 years ago

This thread is intended to be the formal discussion location for the Glitchless category. The community has created a ruleset for this category that doesn't necessarily remove all quirks from the run, but rather creates a category that is more equitable on multiple platforms and focuses on interactions that a casual user could reasonably encounter.

This thread will track future rule changes for this category. Before the category is added to the leaderboard (and for subsequent rule changes to be ratified) 3 runners must run with the same ruleset.

Glitchless Version 1.0

Ban List

  • Mason controls
  • Item duplication of any kind
  • Menu stacking and menu storage
  • Dialogue glitch (opening a dialogue window immediately after selecting a previous dialogue option)
  • Rolling to bypass indestructible barriers that cannot be otherwise passed by walking
  • Bypassing any indestructible barriers via pike vault or being knocked up by enemies
  • Skipping the Ura Invasion by dying, restarting the level, and returning to the Bastion
  • Zombie Kid (Gaining control of the kid early in Jawson Bog by dying/falling during the transition to the Rippling Walls)
  • Pipe Glitch and History Books (Playing the pipe or history books animation while retaining control of the kid)

Notable Unbanned Techniques

  • Triggering enemy wave completions early by killing enemies before the rest of the wave has spawned.
  • Early Control Resets in levels by falling off during transitions
  • Intentionally falling to be relocated (i.e. Tazal Terminals after Hopscotch)
topic: Bastion
Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth4 years ago

You might find more success getting in touch on our Discord ( - I know Leon has streamed his runs of this category, but I don't know if any were saved. I'm sure he'd be willing to give you some info.

topic: Portal
Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth6 years ago

For the moderators:

I just submitted a glitchless run today, but a run from myself 6 years ago is on the leaderboards from when it was ported over from cronikeys.

The old run (, which isn't linked to an account, could be attached to my account (or removed, since I beat it anyway).

If you need some proof that I'm the same person, you can see that the youtube account that posted that run also posted many of my Bastion PBs which are linked to this account.

topic: Bastion
Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth6 years ago

Edited post:

I agree with Haos on Any% and Any% NMMS. ASL should remain unchanged for now, this trick doesn't break the spirit of ASL it seems, and it allows us to retain the Fast Tazal trick.

topic: Bastion
Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth7 years ago

Ban pre-run menu storage. Keep requiring videos - revisit this if ever an actual situation were to arise.

topic: Bastion
Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth7 years ago

I want to clear up, on this thread, some ideas about Tazal:

Ram Skip doesn't save 40 seconds like Vulajin says in the main post - I haven't timed it but it is definitely more like 20 seconds. Fast Tazal does save 40.

Also, if we get to a point in ASL that confirmation storage becomes problematic, I think we could revisit this issue then. ASL is what we want to make it - and I'm not sure that it's necessary we cover scenarios now that have not yet come to pass. We could even consider the slightly less beautiful rule of banning 2+ confirmation storage.

My point is, that this doesn't have to be the final discussion on ASL rules. Say we ban MMS in ASL, as it appears we will. If we ban confirmation storage now, we have to wipe the ASL leaderboard because grandfathering doesn't make sense. If we ban confirmation storage later because it becomes problematic, we have to do the same thing. I'm okay with delaying the wipe, so to speak, to see if it does indeed become a problem.

topic: Bastion
Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth7 years ago

My opinion:

Any% should stay as Any%, bringing the game into Wharf District hell.

Any% NMMS should be created, I think, and any valid runs from the current Any% leaderboard migrated over. However, I hadn't given thought to letting a category like All Weapons take the place of Any% NMMS. I'm not sure if we could really get community support behind that. Any% currently is what every new player comes and learns, and I think Any% NMMS would continue to fulfill that role. I think one of the big benefits of Bastion is that we have a fun, easy to learn, short category, and NMMS preserves that.

ASL should ban MMS so we don't play Lemaign and Langston blind. Keep confirmation storage - Fast Tazal is just too good to pass up, and I don't think there is much room for confirmation storage to get out of hand.

(Also, All Weapons will be banning MMS)

topic: Bastion
Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth7 years ago

Hey, welcome to Bastion speedrunning, glad to see a fresh face!

First of all, I'd strongly recommend you join our Discord channel so you always have a place to ask questions (and we definitely like answering them). Here's the link for that:

As you may have noticed, we don't have one good guide available for NG ASL, but on the Guides tab there are a few useful links. If you want a ¤full¤ guide, you'll want to probably start with Vulajin's guide in conjunction with the WR video. I've also compiled a playlist of my own videos that are breakdowns of a handful of specific levels (ones that typically give runners trouble).

If you want a text guide - well nobody has had the patience or motivation to create something like that for NG ASL, but I currently have a lot of extra time with a really bad computer, so I could type up a guide for any portion of the game you need more help with, just ping me on Discord. (Synth#5487)

TL;DR Join the discord and we can all help you!

topic: Uru
Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth8 years ago

After some more thinking, especially now that MOULa doesn't let you create new accounts, I think I'd like to merge the Leaderboards for Offline and Online runs.

topic: Uru
Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth8 years ago

We already have a section for ABM. If you complete ABM, you can submit it as an Online run (MOULa) or you can submit it as an offline run and select which version you have used (1.0, 1.2, or CC). I think this makes the most sense. I think all the ABM runs should be compared together.

Regarding the other CC categories, I haven't played CC in so long that I don't really remember what is involved there. Other than the waiting segment. Whatever you would like to do, we can include it in the leaderboards. I'd like to see a video, for sure.

topic: Uru
Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth8 years ago

I'm sorry I didn't see this until now, but better late than never! I think Complete Chronicles would definitely be a viable category, but completing Path of the Shell would be pretty lame because of the 15 (?) minute wait for one of the areas. There are only a couple (literally) runners of the game so far, so anything you want to try is definitely a good option and I can put it on the leaderboard.

topic: Bastion
Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth8 years ago

Welp, everything changed again. Turns out we can skip Pyth Orchard and Burstone Quarry with some fancy routing. This new route doesn't include most of the strats, just the general route:

topic: Bastion
Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth8 years ago

All Unlockable Weapons is a category that I am going to run soon, and maybe Vulajin will give it a shot too!

You must complete the game with every unlockable weapon in the Arsenal, starting from a fresh game.

[Reply has updated information]

Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth8 years ago

Thanks a bunch!

Pennsylvania, USAIanSynth8 years ago

Hey, I was looking to get into the speedrun for BGE but I wanted to make sure I don't waste my money on the wrong version of the game. The game is run on PC, I see, but is there a difference between buying the game on Steam or on GOG? Basically, I want to make sure I get the right version of the game and do another casual run of the game before I try any speedrun shenanigans.

Over IanSynth
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