Namachine is usually the person doing most mod things, moderation in this game is usually slow (which is fine) but it does get done. i'm sure when they come back online they will sort out what's going on. I would also suggest maybe a mod makes a discord where everyone who is active / has input can talk together in real time instead of in a forum periodically
Hey, So what happened is you presumably have interact on the scroll wheel or a macro? when using buttons you need to be very careful that you don't activate it twice in one frame otherwise the event starts without playing any animation. This is one of the biggest glitches in the game and is the reason the explosion came so early because in this particular spot more inputs accelerates the speed of the explosion. BBGN's run is very old and from the creation of the category but was grandfathered in to the new ruleset which you can find on the True Glitchless page
You are in the list of banned users yes, We typically don't ban people for no reason though
Which version of the game are you using? (Steam, Origin, GOG, Crack) You can find out by opening Speedometer (found in resources) then right click it and select "Title".
Looks like it does, but that would still be an issue for that platform regardless of timing method
Today we've decided to revert from IGT back to RTA, as all main platforms have identical loading times and it just makes it more cmplicated for possible future console submissions unable to use the automatic load remover. Future runs can include IGT, but the main timing method will remain RTA.
Go Wildcats and stuff
The game needs to be played in one sitting.
No mice allowed. Scrolling must be done on the trackpad.
You could try joining the discord, or links work fine here on the forum :)
If you can, play on the PC version. if not imo the Xbox version is best because you don't have to press two buttons to get off the board.
Yes, but this process is automatic using the feature built into livesplit. Inside edit splits, enter the game name and click activate.
Did you check the resources page? Speedomter download works fine for me. Also which discord link? because the one on the left, under guides is also working.
also, there is actually no newer version, it just says that.