English Text: So, as requested I changed the Leaderboards, separating the runs in EN/JP, and EMU/Console.
This is because Emulator has an advantage over Console in the Loading Times, and Narutimate Accel 2 is faster than Ultimate Ninja 5 because it runs at 60 FPS versus UN5 50 FPS.
If your run has been misclassified, please, PM me and I'll do the changes. In the following days I will update Ultimate Ninja 4 as well. And if you guys have ideas for new categories, just say the word!
Portuguese Text:
Como eu sei que esse jogo tem MUITO br, vou mandar o aviso em português também. Separei as Leaderboards em Console e Emulador, e em JP/USA. Isso é porque Emulador é mais rápido que o Console por causa do tempo de carregamento, e JP é mais rápido que a versão Europeia, que roda em 50 FPS.
Se tiver algum erro me avise. Nos próximos dias vou atualizar Ultimate Ninja 4 também. Quem tiver idéia de categoria pra esses jogos, avisa ai! Valeu meu povo!
Hello there.
I want you guys opinion on something. Those categories (Kazekage Rescue and Tenchi Bridge) are a relic from the old moderator that was EXTREMELY careless with this stuff. They should never have existed in the first place.
I'm updating this game's page, as I should have done a long time ago, and I want to get rid of them, of at least shove then as Individual Levels Categories, as they should've been from the start.
Do you guys agree?
So, I actually thought about this category when I became the moderator, and I just didn't add because it's kinda pointless. But if you guys want, I can add an All Golden Saints category. One for every knight seems... awkward, to say the least, because you are just doing 3 fights.
I know this is old, but I actually disagree with 100% not being necessary. The Obelisk Challenges, the Chests and the Hidden Itens will add a lot of things to the run, backtracking in some sections, and a lot of nuances that will make for a different routing overall.
Totally up for doing a run of this, if a category can be added.
As title said.
As title said.
Updating the Naruto Situation.
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution (https://www.speedrun.com/naruto_shippuden_ultimate_ninja_storm_revolution) has one active moderator, Cyberdemon. It has been more than a week since I been instructed to talk with him, and he never replied. There are runs pending for that game , so I am once again requesting moderation.
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 5 (https://www.speedrun.com/naruto_shippuden_ultimate_ninja_5#Any) is moderated by the game guy who used to moderate Ultimate Ninja 4, and who clearly doesn't know what he is doing nor run the games anymore, despite being always online. The game has no rules, whatsoever, in any category. I talked to the person, and he said that he put no rules on purpose (?????), and don't want to give me moderation so that I can fix it. Requesting moderation here too, please.
Thanks for the help, and keep up the good work.
About Naruto Shippuden NInja Storm Revolution, I tried to get in contact with Cyberdemon, but I never got any response for more than a week now. And even if he got active again, he never verified any runs this game.
O inglês tava certo SHAUASH
Mas o título do jogo é esse mesmo, por bizarro que pareça
Myself and other runners are discussing about a full Hero / full Legend run, complete with Secret Actions and stuff. It would be a fun category, I think.
Requesting moderation for Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution and Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden.
For Ninja Storm Revolution, all of the mods are inactive, ranging from 3 months to 2 years. https://www.speedrun.com/naruto_shippuden_ultimate_ninja_storm_revolution
For Ultimate NInja 4, the game is currently a mess. One of the mods is inactive, the other logs in, but he doesn't even seems to run the game anymore. Not only that, but there are kinda suspect categories, and even the rules for those are written in portuguese for some reason. I would like to be added as a mod to fix the issues currently there. https://www.speedrun.com/ultimate_ninja_4_naruto_shippuden
Thank you.
So, the All Missions Category Rules is pretty barren right now. I want to upgrade it so that it's more clear on what we actually have to do in the run. I propose the following:
-Do All Missions, except Rank-S Missions and Infinite Missions -All Jutsu Sidequests, that are unlocked up to Act 3 -Unlock Byakugan Hinata and Green Beast Naruto (You can unlock them both before finishing the game) -Timer Starts on Ultimate Road Select and ends in the Mission Accomplished Screen after Nine Tailed Naruto vs Sealed Orochimaru fight.
Hello, I would like to request moderator status for Saint Seiya: Soldiers's Soul. The current mod doesn't come online for about 5 months now, and I can't contact him. Link: https://www.speedrun.com/saint_seiya_soldiers_soul
Thank you for the amazing work.