California, USAFullyAutomato4 years ago

I fixed the issue. It turns out I did follow the directions correctly, but when I open LiveSplit it asks if you want to update the delta component. If you press yes then it ruins it, but if you press no, then it works.

California, USAFullyAutomato4 years ago

I believe I did what this site ( told me to do correctly, and it did not work. Anyone know of a solution or if there is a different way to add this?

California, USAFullyAutomato5 years ago

Assuming by "first manipulation" you mean getting corner cover storage then all you need to do is hold LT and switch to the batarang and Batman goes into "corner cover." From there all you do is throw the batarang and he zips. Make sure you are holding LT after you get storage before you switch to the rang, or else you can't zip since you lose storage.

MemoryKronos vinden dit leuk
California, USAFullyAutomato5 years ago

There is a game that I used to follow and run before, but now I have lost interest in it yet I still get notifications for this game. I keep getting the "your run has been beaten" or "X beat the World Record.." etc. I have already unfollowed this game for weeks now, but these notifications do not stop. If anyone knows how to stop this then I would be very grateful :)

California, USAFullyAutomato5 years ago

Has anyone ever ran this game with controller? Also how much slower would a run be by using exclusively controller?

California, USAFullyAutomato5 years ago

What did you do to violate YT TOS? I'm just asking since it might help future people to avoid that doing the same thing. @maneceel96

California, USAFullyAutomato5 years ago

Is there any video explaining how to do the African Mine Skip? I saw the WR run do it, but I'm not entirely sure how it is done.

NeilLegend vinden dit leuk
California, USAFullyAutomato6 years ago

That is good to hear.

California, USAFullyAutomato6 years ago

You can check the top runs for each platform by clicking >Filter >Platform, and then click on whichever platform that your heart desires. I don't think people care to always see multiple runs by the same runner. There's a difference.

California, USAFullyAutomato6 years ago

There should be an option to have "Platforms obsolete each other" in the "Edit game" tab. Is there a specific reason why this box isn't checked? This should fix having any runner who submits runs with multiple platforms to only appear once in the boards. I don't really mind the board looking the way it does now, but it looks pretty weird as of now in my opinion. (I'm mainly talking to the mods since they are the only ones who can see the "Edit game" tab)

California, USAFullyAutomato6 years ago

It would be great if we can get an autosplitter for this game. Does anyone know anyone who can do it? I would help pay for the person who uses their time to make it.

California, USAFullyAutomato6 years ago

Yes it's the glide. I remember I had that happen when I found that strat

California, USAFullyAutomato6 years ago

I plan to have a tutorial video for Any% by the end of the month. It's been in the works, I have just been lazy to finish it lately

California, USAFullyAutomato6 years ago

Why are you playing on 60? The setups are tougher and slower for a majority of those zips, and it doesn't even have sewer skip. Switch to 30fps where things are optimized, especially since the zips are much easier on 30.

California, USAFullyAutomato6 years ago

I'm pretty sure a checkpoint restart would fix that? That is usually the solution for these games, Also still no FPS counter lol

California, USAFullyAutomato6 years ago

So many people ask for new categories but never submit a video of their own. Once 2 or more people have actually done these runs and have video proof, then we should discuss the possibility of adding new categories.

ShikenNuggets vinden dit leuk
California, USAFullyAutomato6 years ago

There is one somewhat active console runner for Any% and another for No Major Skips.If there were more console runners then yeah I would be open for a split in the boards. As of now there is no point

California, USAFullyAutomato6 years ago

Go on the boards and use the filter to find obsoleted runs. From there you can find really old runs. I am fairly new to this scene, I just joined in 2017 so I can't really be a really big help for the older stuff. I can help with the new things

California, USAFullyAutomato6 years ago

Pausing definitely should not be allowed (since it ruins the point of IGT). Some games measure both IGT and RTA, but maybe it can depend in the game. Maybe only Knight should have both timers. The other games could just measure IGT since the predator times start immediately, so the boards won't get too crazy. And for the combat challenges if there is a way to set it up by score and not just a time limit, then I think that's the best way for it to be measured. -For Knight using both timers would be beneficial since it can open up for different possibilities of completing it. -Now glitches is a tough one, because I'm not sure if people would like them. It might be a bit much for a person who just wants to do challenges.

And I agree about having video proof. Last note, the predator challenges should have all three objectives done since that is how the "game boards" have it.

California, USAFullyAutomato6 years ago

Level leaderboards is what I meant. Sorry if there was any confusion about that. Although they aren't really levels though? It would be nice to see it added as "challenge maps" or something if you can change the name of "level leaderboards"

Over FullyAutomato
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