Yeah this should be doable, do you have any recorded runs of this?
To conclude on this thread:
Miner hunger and fatigue should be enabled.
Spiders should be set to squish.
Arachnophobia mode should be disabled.
Bats should be set to leave miners alone.
All other settings are unrestricted unless otherwise noted in the rules (i.e. hazard sliders).
Howdy! I am Flapjack, and I am from the United States, currently living in Texas.
I played Rock Raiders and several other Lego games (Island, Racers, Island 2) growing up, and they have lodged themselves firmly in my nostalgia. I even had several prints made of Lego themes to decorate my office to remind me of my fondness for them.
As far as speedrunning is concerned, I am heavily involved in the Myst and Super Solvers/Seekers communities, and enjoy the odd viral puzzle game as well. Casually, I enjoy single-player experiences or fun co-op experiences, as well as the other nostalgic retro games from my youth.
Hey there!
Was looking to get back into this game and the link for SimCopterX and the Discord server are both broken; can they be fixed?
Under this ruleset, does that mean if you tangle with the sharks too many times and run out of light at the final screen, and are unable to collect the final gem for any of the loops, your run is invalid?
Yes, I can absolutely create a new category.
All that would be needed is a set of rules that sets it apart from the existing categories.
When you mean a 100% run, do you mean a single loop, or doing only 100% loops until you rebuild the bridge?
You'd have to define the rules to remove any ambiguity on how the run should be executed.
It would, but in this version, the page never appears in his hand, it goes directly from the player's hand into the book.
We're going with the same rules as the previous iteration (realMyst: Masterpiece Edition).
By those rules, time starts on your first movement (or input) on Myst Island, which removes the opening cutscene.
Time ends on the last input which results in the white page being replaced in Atrus's linking book.
I forgot to change the rules when I approved the last run, they are updated now. :)
Yeah, cam on/off is fine.
Most leaderboards don't allow spliced or abbreviated runs, and I don't think we should break step with that.
You can upload a multi-video run to, you simply embed the links to the multiple parts in the description. See:
Go ahead and upload the entire unbroken, unedited run.
It's interesting you bring up datamining, we recently discovered via a YouTube video that one of the producers of this game is still around and we reached out to her in an effort to see what insider details she might have.
Haven't heard back from her yet, but fingers crossed.
Hey, if you make a 100% run, I'll make a category so you can post it.
Requesting that the following leaderboard ( be tagged as multi-game and as category extensions.
Requesting that be added to the series
I am mod of the game and supermod of the series.
@Daravae I mentioned in my post, kampydk, the series moderator does not see the option to add more moderators, it is either missing or not in the same spot that you would normally find it.
The reason more moderators were requested is because kampydk is busy and unable to commit time to moderating SRCOM in an ongoing fashion. He also liked the request for additional moderators, just so you know he saw it.
This is in regards to
We have reached out to kampydk, the current series supermod, and asked to add a few more supermods to the series so as not to take up a lot of his time.
He tried to add additional moderators, but there was no place to do so:
We are reaching out to get zaustus, Gelly, and Admiral_Flapjack added as supermods of the Myst series.
I have already reached out to kampydk and obtained his permission:
Correction, TAS was updated to 1599 frames:
Still running inside ScummVM on Linux using libTAS. Time is 26.65 seconds at 60fps.