I think it could be a cool addition as a miscellaneous category.
So almost a year ago now, I hosted a TAS competition of this game. This competition was more successful than I could have ever hoped for. It ran for 10 rounds, and managed to amass 13 participants in a single task. Both of these are more than any previous zelda TAS competition has managed. Now I am considering starting up a new competition. I would love to know if anyone is interested in participating, and if there seems to be a fair amount of interest, I will start up a new competition.
I have gotten a 4th submission, so a video will be put up today. This is going to be the last task unless I feel at some point in the future that there is more interest TASing again.
There are currently only 3 entrants with 4 being the minimum needed to make a video. So if someone submits a TAS, it will still be accepted.
go to the resources section. I have a download that encompasses the US version and both JP versions.
The task 9 compilation is here!
And here is task 10:
Task 9 participation was the lowest, but I hope to see some more people joining this one. Few speedruns actually go inside the castle, so there aren't many preexisting strats inside. This means participants will mostly have to come up with all of their own tricks and strategies to traverse the castle, so I hope for some good variety and creativity between submissions.
A savestate for bizhawk can be found here And a savestate for mupen can be found here
This task will be due on November 1st. Be sure to email submissions to me at Eumeus14@gmail.com by that time or contact me if you need a little more time and we will work something out. Timing starts on the first frame of control and ends on the final frame of the white flash when you kill your last enemy.
Contact me if you have any questions and I will respond as soon as I can. Good luck and have fun, everyone!
it says after my email address. It will be either when link holds the item over his head, or when the camera first moves to the owl for the activation CS
The task 8 compilation is here!
And here is task 9:
Back to a more traditional type of task this time. I do think there is potential for some creative strategies since the objectives can be done in any order.
A savestate for bizhawk can be found here And a savestate for mupen can be found here
This task will be due on September 24th. Be sure to email submissions to me at Eumeus14@gmail.com by that time or contact me if you need a little more time and we will work something out. Timing starts on the first frame of control and ends either on the first frame Link holds the item above his head or on the first frame the camera focuses on the owl statue.
Contact me if you have any questions and I will respond as soon as I can. Good luck and have fun, everyone!
it is possible to invert stone tower with the dungeon in an untouched state. Simply get the light arrows, but flip the tower on a different cycle. And so, preserving keys is consequently also not allowed.
I've gotten questions about starting with a key in your inventory. To answer that, having chests be open is considered having modified the dungeon and you're not allowed to just hack them into your inventory. If you can find a way to manipulate them into your inventory without opening the chests and without hacking, that's fair game if you can tell me how you did it. But afaik, nothing like that exists at this time.
Got another question. Obtaining a key from regular stone tower temple will be considered altering inverted stone tower temple because it is possible to open any upside-down chest
Yes, and you can't open any single door more than once. So once you go through a door, you can't go back through that same door. I figured this one would get a few questions since it's pretty weird.
The task 7 compilation is here!
And here is task 8:
You should have the entrance cutscene cleared beforehand, but otherwise the temple should be in an untouched state. If you have twinmold's remains, you may clear the cutscene of the warp appearing beforehand. This task is very different from all the other ones of the competition so far and it is the first zelda TAS competition I know of that is taking place in a temple! Temples tend to have a lot of possibilities and tricks, so I recommend experimenting and messing around in the area before starting your actual TAS.
A savestate for bizhawk can be found here And a savestate for mupen can be found here
This task will be due on August 26th. Be sure to email submissions to me at Eumeus14@gmail.com by that time or contact me if you need a little more time and we will work something out. Timing starts on the first frame of control and ends on the first frame of full-black from the fadeout
Contact me if you have any questions and I will respond as soon as I can. Good luck and have fun, everyone!
I figured I should mention for anyone wondering, the snapper is in one of the snowballs on the ice. His position is not random, but it does change based on the day. On day 1, he is just under the goron racetrack. On day 2, he is down the ramp on the right side of the entrance. On day 3, he is just forward and left a tiny bit when you enter. I chose day 3 for the savestate because it is the closest, but if you've got some unique route in mind, you're welcome to change it. The mupen state was still day 1 though because I don't have any addresses on mupen, so any mupen users, definitely be careful to think about what day you want.
I just realized that I didn't explicitly state it in the image, but you're supposed to enter the area from mountain village.
The task 6 compilation is here!
And here is task 7:
You must enter this area during the winter and you may not have affected the area beforehand (For example, you cannot melt the ice or blow up the rocks in the grotto before starting the task). Timing starts on the first frame of control and ends on the frame you see the red rupee over Link's head.
A savestate for bizhawk can be found here And a savestate for mupen can be found here
Submissions for this task will be due on July 28th. Be sure to email your submissions to Eumeus14@gmail.com by then or contact me if you need a few more days and we will work something out.
Contact me if you have any questions and I will try to get back to you ASAP. Good luck and have fun everyone
Also, this forum is now 2 pages long, and I did clarify some fairly important info on page 2, so please be sure to check that.