Tasmania, AustraliaEmeraldStar826 years ago

Is running cheat engine alongside gta v on steam safe? I've been considering dabbling in this myself but I haven't due to fears of potential bans.

Tasmania, AustraliaEmeraldStar827 years ago

I'd say use #1, in a speedrunning sense, you get a faster time. Also if you're grinding for a good time then you can just fail and restart as opposed to loading the mission from the menu which would undoubtedly get very obnoxious very fast.

Tasmania, AustraliaEmeraldStar827 years ago

I'll try to wake up in time. :>

TKM vinden dit leuk
Tasmania, AustraliaEmeraldStar827 years ago
  1. (Perhaps remove 100% with mission skips) I agree with CheeseLover, no one will bother running the category as hardly anyone runs any% already. In contradiction to the game I believe 100% means "completing missions", not "skipping missions".
Tasmania, AustraliaEmeraldStar827 years ago


Trevor% implies that you actually get up to the point where you actually unlock Trevor (When I first heard of the category that's what I thought it was). Seeing as though you finish at the heist passed screen for the jewel store job I vote for "Beat the Jewel Store Job. But it will probably still be colloquially known as Trevor%.

EDIT: I'm not a frequent of the community (yet) but after what DV wrote below I change my vote to 4.

Tasmania, AustraliaEmeraldStar827 years ago

I vote for allowing its use.

I am a new runner so take my opinion with a grain of salt but the only good reason I can think of to ban it is because it might not be accessible to everyone who runs the game. i.e. some people might not have a device capable of running the app, or people are not able to correctly install/operate it.

Due to the Tingle Tuner being allowed in Wind Waker though and the limited advantages of it (there are many people who run the game without it but still have a good time, and the fact that it's even less accessible than the iFruit app), I believe that the time save in GTA V isn't that significant and therefore should be allowed for people to use.

BustaCarl vinden dit leuk
Over EmeraldStar82
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Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V
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Grand Theft Auto Category Extensions
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