New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

The current vote is: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3

10 voted for 1 and 4 voted against 1, thus a majority has been reached. I will attempt to make the changes in line with the vote.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

The total vote is 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5/3 2 7

13 voted for 1 and 9 voted against 1, therefore a majority has been reached. Beat The Jewel Store Job will have its name changed to 'Trevor%'. This will not be revisited unless circumstances change significantly.

hoxi vinden dit leuk
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

With 11 votes for 'Allow' and 3 votes for 'Ban', a majority has been reached and thus this poll is now closed. The Ifruit app will remain allowed until circumstances change significantly enough to justify further discussion or a vote on the matter.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

I abstain from voting so the total is: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3

The majority is in favour of making any% consistent with 100%. A discussion can be had later about which category should be seen first.

I will leave the poll open for 24 hours. If you have already voted, please do not revote/change your vote or comment further. Should a majority in favour of one option not be reached, a revote will occur with just the two most voted on options. I will vote only to break a tie.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

I abstain from voting so the total is: 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5/3 2

The majority is in favour of renaming the category 'Trevor%' currently with 11 votes for and 8 against.

I will leave the poll open for 24 hours. If you have already voted, please do not revote/change your vote or comment further. Should a majority in favour of one option not be reached, a revote will occur with just the two most voted on options. I will vote only to break a tie.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Hey In the 100% tab, there is a variant which allows a user to select whether they want to see 'without mission skips' or with 'mission skips times'. However, Any% without mission skips and Any% with mission skips are given separate tabs. This is inconsistent.

Please vote on the following solutions:

  1. Make Any% similar to how 100% is now.
  2. Make 100% similar to how Any% is now.
  3. Leave it as it is.

To clarify, no category will be removed. I forgot to add the imgur so check out the leaderboard to understand what I mean. Look at the set up for both types of 100% and both types of Any%.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

I don't want to argue for any particular number, but I can't be the only one who has heard "I can't find trevor% on the leaderboards". People don't even look in the rules to see that it said "also known as trevor%".

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

This will be the final vote for the name of the contentious category. Please choose one of the following options.

  1. Trevor%
  2. Beat The Jewel Store Job
  3. The Jewel Store Job
  4. Beat The Jewel Store Job (Trevor%)
  5. The Jewel Store Job (Trevor%)
  6. Other (Type suggestion)

Please vote if you have run any category within the last year or have an interest in watching GTA V speedruns.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Yes it can be used with a brand new game. Whenever a new game starts, the ifruit app resets as if you had just bought a new copy of the game.

Sunnyy vinden dit leuk
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

If anyone objects to my locking any of the old threads please say so. They either: A ) Were questions that were answered. B ) Contain factually incorrect answers to questions. C ) Are no longer relevant to how this game is played.

Locking them just puts them down the bottom. Deleting them seems harsh because they are history but I have deleted posts that were just a dead link like "Look at this" and a dead link.

Zachoholic en zoton2 vindt dit leuk
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

I just checked with LotsOfS, turns out he used it on his classic% run yesterday.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

This is a somewhat dead discussion but I wanted to resurrect it. If you have run GTA V (any category) in the last year or have shown interest in GTA V speedrunning through watching the runs or streamers, feel free to read and vote below.

Please comment with one of the following to voice your vote as to the fate of the 'Ifruit App':

  • Ban it.
  • Allow its use. You can add further comment but please start with either one of these positions. The Ifruit apps primary use is to make minor upgrades to vehicles using an app on your phone or iPad whilst you play (not in the game, in real life).

When I first found that the ifruit app saved time, I was against using it. I was not a mod so I discussed it with a few other GTA people on twitter and I made a forum post. Most people I discussed it with were either indifferent or supported using it, similar to how the tingle turner is used in 'Wind Waker'. After much deliberation, I believed the only real reason I had left to support banning it was that it was somewhat annoying to use.

That was 11 months ago. Today, I am the only one who has used the Ifruit App (excluding LoneWolfHalen once and LotsOfS yesterday). At this point it is just giving me a small advantage over anyone else who runs the game.

With that being said, the only people who would be motivated to use it are those who want to squeeze out every second possible. There are only a few such runners now, but it is possible that one day it could be used by more people. The last 11 months however suggests this is unlikely.

I do not care if it is kept or not at this stage, if that matters to you.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Loading an external save file during a run is against the rules. Resolved.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

As these missions were added, I will lock the thread. I will check the order of the individual levels and missions tomorrow.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

The rules text is in the process of being updated to make this clearer, Velo is corrected.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

The splits and icons have now been added in combined zips in the resources.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

The rules in each of the category descriptions are somewhat vague, have dead links and outdated information.

I have updated Classic% but I will be waiting until tomorrow to fix the remainder. No rules will be changed without consultation, simply the wording.

I will also be double checking the individual level mission order is correct (reflecting how it is in the in-game menu). I will also check the older threads for any updates that were not made. Most seem to have been but doesn't hurt to check. Older redundant threads will be locked to push them to the bottom of the forum.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

I will also add, Trevor % makes this game higher in the lists when you search for games. It shows the amount of runners as far higher. Whether you consider this deceptive or not, it will mean this game will be more readily seen by people using that list to look for a game to run.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Given the hassle it would take to move anywhere, and that it is already out of the way, it seems pointless to move it.

We could just make a poll for it. The only reason changing it to Trevor % still makes sense is because no one seriously adopted the new name, as stupid as the old name Trevor % is.

S. en Mattmatt vindt dit leuk
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

While most of what you say is either a gross simplification or simply wrong, but are you honestly saying that you believe "doing the right thing" consists of is preventing the runners of this game from actually voting for the mods? You believe your view of what is "right" literally trumps any idea of democracy or people's just general right to have a fair say? Not the runners, but YOU should decide? I can not help but disagree. I have tried to explain your misunderstandings previously, it is falling on deaf ears.

Forgive me, I could say more but I need to go run GTA V.

Sunnyy, TKM en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Over DarkViperAU
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