How do other runners play this game? I'm playing on Wii U VC with no disc in the Wii U (and not displaying the video on the game pad) but I'm getting slightly longer load times than others and I'm not sure why.
What defines 2P for a run? Is it spawning Gooey, using Gooey, or having a second person control Gooey? In my runs I use Gooey, but I control him myself.
I was comparing two of my runs and found that on the first mission one run had significantly lower times in between the first three hits. This video shows the difference: Notice how the video on the right waits for the ball to roll a bit.
Can anyone explain why this happens or find a way to make it happen consistently? I've played around with it and found different ways to make it happen but the only thing consistent is that I have to do bunt feints. Any help would be appreciated!
What are the differences between playing on an emulator versus a console? I'd like to know if my times on a PS2 are comparable to the emulator runs. I watched the videos under the emulator category and the courses are slightly different; is that because they're on an emulator or they're playing Rayman M instead of Rayman Arena?
When doing 100%, is it okay to reset the game to skip the credits after Dedede and Zero?