Here you can offer your own category for speedrunners VoTV
Why not create an "Appeal Center" where one could apply to appeal the ban on the site or some board if a person considers it unreasonable. If the main moderation cannot or does not want to do this (I remind you there are only 3 for the entire site), then volunteers can do this. in any case, the "Appeal Center" is quite a useful thing for the site
Can you please add 2 new bad endings "The lion has not eaten for a long time", "The room is filled with pure oxygen"
Что насчет того чтобы разделить категории по типу пропуска, к примеру на промотку в ручную и с помощью таба
Can I submit multiple runs if they were on the same video?
What psychological horror stories do you know?
I'm leaving. I don't think anyone cares, but that's ok. I just don't want to stay on a site where hard drug use is a childish topic, and where moderation is against its own rules. Maybe I'll come back after things change. Goodbye
Before asking a similar question, as well as "how can I propose a game", "how can I propose a series", "what are the rules on the site", "how to do something in a particular game" go here - https:// or if your question is related to a specific game then go to that game's forum. Thank you for your attention
Good Afternoon I would like to host a small tournament on casual games of the Undertale Fan Series. The tournament will be held in a free format, that is, you can work on the race for a certain time, and not live. If you are interested, you can participate here: Thank you for your attention
Fortress Climb Deluxe is a game that has absolutely nothing to do with undertale and deltarune, it is a completely separate project, then why is this game in a series of fan-made undertale?
Yes, I want to start a community to help obscure games. There are quite a lot of good games on src that no one has heard anything about and I want to fix it. Who wants to help me in this matter?
It's my birthday today, and I would like to celebrate it by asking a rather interesting question. How has your life changed after you started speedrunning or came to SRC?
Rate these players as you know them (these are the people who are on the farmington leaderboards) from 1 to 1 - don't know 2 - accidentally saw 3 - heard somewhere 4 - I know but not very well 5 - I know perfectly well who this person is and his achievements ////////////////// 🇷🇺Akuretaki 🇷🇺daff 🇷🇺Meegz 🇷🇺alex2007 🇷🇺HosteL 🇷🇺sWinTuZ 🇺🇦Pikachu 🇧🇾VRplaYK 🇷🇺Tezur0 🇷🇺Aiivan 🇺🇦Neural89 🇷🇺flashhh 🇷🇺Vanilla_Gawr 🇷🇺flower 🇷🇺JosephHTobinJr 🇷🇺Comrade_S
Дорогие товарищи, коллеги друзья, и просто случайные люди которые это увидят. В этом посте, я хочу поздравить вас всех ребята с новым 2023 годом. 2022 выдался непростым, произошло много ужасных вещей, но не стоит забывать и хороших вещах этого года. Я надеюсь что новый год, будет лучше, веселее, удачливее. Я крайне благодарен всем модераторам src за то, что они несмотря ни на что остаются честными, непредвзятыми, и в равной степени оценивают бегунов вне зависимости от того гражданами какой страны они являются. Желаю всем и каждому в этом году здоровья, счастья, благополучия, мирного неба над головой и конечно же оставаться такими, какие вы есть. С новым годом дорогие друзья, с новым счастьем!!! 🎄🎄🎄⛄⛄⛄🎉🎉🎉 ///// Dear comrades, colleagues, friends, and just random people who will see it. In this post, I want to congratulate you all guys on the new year 2023. 2022 turned out to be difficult, a lot of terrible things happened, but do not forget the good things of this year. I hope that the new year will be better, more fun, luckier. I am extremely grateful to all the src moderators for the fact that, no matter what, they remain honest, unbiased, and equally evaluate runners regardless of which country they are citizens of. I wish everyone and everyone this year health, happiness, prosperity, a peaceful sky over your head and of course stay the way you are. Happy New Year, dear friends, with new happiness!!! 🎄🎄🎄⛄⛄⛄🎉🎉🎉
Are you planning to add a leaderboard for completing challenges?
In this post I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas. I wish you success, fulfillment of your goals, a peaceful sky over your head, health, well-being and of course to @Meta has added extensive statistics. Merry Christmas =) 🎄🎄🎄