Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool5 years ago

My suggestion would be, if you're interested do a run, when its done (assuming there's some clear guidelines it was done by (for example all any% glitchless category's or something)) let me know and we'll make a leaderboard for it :) In general the more the merrier, but it might be best not to make too many leaderboards with nothing on it

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool5 years ago

The date and time From: November 17th – 12:00 CEST Till: November 18th – 20:00 CEST (and then afterparty/cleanup till 22:00)

Location Esports Game Arena Raadhuisstraat 134 2406 AJ Alphen aan den Rijn

Public Transport Bus/Train: Stop at Station Alphen a/d Rijn. It's within walking distance from there.

Contact info Please join the public discord: We require runners to have joined the discord by the time submissions close in order to be accepted into the marathon, as discord is our official means of communication.

Submissions You can submit runs here:

We ask runners to submit their runs individually. At the end of each form, you will find a new link to the form to submit additional games. In case you want to submit multiple categories we ask to fill out a separate form for the other categories (i.e. Any%/ 100% in a different form). Please keep submissions to a maximum of 5 games.

Submissions will close on November 4th (10 pm CEST). You can view current submissions here:

Mass housing Mass housing will be available, in the vicinity of the venue. Tickets for these slots will be available through our ticketing system and will open soon after the preliminary schedule is released. Keep in mind that these tickets have limited availability.

Entry fee The next event will cost €7,- for the entire weekend. Tickets can be bought at We require runners to have bought a ticket a week in advance (November 11th, 11pm CET), to ensure the runner will be available during the event.

Food and drinks Due to venue terms of use, we are required to not allow any drinks into the venue. Both drinks and food are provided by the bar in the venue.

Charity Our marathon is proud supporter of the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization focussed on curing and preventing cancer as well as helping relieve the strain on the people suffering from this disease. As such you are welcome to submit donation incentives along your submissions or donate to this great cause during the marathon.

Runners from outside of the Benelux We have had the question a few times if runners from outside the Benelux are welcome so we figured we would emphasize it here. Yes, everyone is very welcome to join us. If you are from outside the Benelux and would like to attend, feel free to submit as a runner or join us at the venue as a viewer.

Terms of Agreement

Code of Conduct

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool5 years ago

83:21:57 RTA (52:42:43 actual playtime) for Pokémon gen 3 catch 'em all Glitchless, although I have a few longer runs planned for the forseeable future so will soon have a run that'd be over 100 hours

DarQ vinden dit leuk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago

Hey, I know we've kept you guys in the dark for a bit, but the wait wont be in vain. We've been working behind the scenes on watching runs (or at least parts of it), and making our decisions on what we feel would be the best options for the marathon. All in all we had almost 800 hours of submissions, and with only just under 350 to fill you can imagine that takes a lot of really difficult decisions. That being said, we have come to some conclusions regarding what we would feel is the best set for the event. Now, I will add we have not yet had a chance to look at the availabilities to ensure we can actually make it work. That being said there is a very high likelyhood things will change. These cuts are TENTATIVE. They are still dependant on wether or not this can actually work in a schedule. If it can, great. If not, we will be forced to adjust accordingly. We hope to have some more details on this within the next 1.5 week or so, so bare with us while we comb through all the data and try to make something cool with it.

That all said, without further ado, the tentative cuts for RRLAT2:

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, I dont usually look on the forums much (feel free to DM in discord for more direct contact). Ive talked over an idea like that before with genokirby. If you have a suggestion for how to set it up, by all means Im open to hear you out on it

topic: The Site
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago

Sorry to bother you guys again, Im currently mod on ; The only super mod has left without notice and since Im the only remaining active mod (with the other one having been offline for a year) I'd like to request to be bumped up to super mod.

YUMmy_Bacon5 vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago

Request to be added for mod for Bomberman Land Touch! ( ). Mod has not been online for almost a month and has no means of contact linked. Currently have a run pending for said game. I currently have a run pending for the game.

YUMmy_Bacon5 vinden dit leuk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago

(quick copy paste from the about section, since this might be more visable for some)

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago

It will be on speedgaming. Officially now. Not sure which channel exactly but in that family. This means we do need to keep it professional memes and stuff are fine but try and keep everything pg13 as possible unless the game you are playing is M rated extra leeway will be given. Kids watch speedgaming with their parents quite a bit etc. There is also not a mature audience tag on speedgaming.

Dates will be Dec 1st to Dec 15th.

Submissions for the LONG games will be open from July 1st to September 1st. These are long runs aka the ones over 4 hours or that are hundo catagories even something as short as SMB warp less would be considered 100 percent.

Schedule will then be made withen 2 or 3 weeks of that date.

Then October 1st to November 1st we will have submissions for OBSCURE games to fill in any spots in the schedule longer then 15 to 30 minutes. Huzzuh an obscure game would probably count as any game that seemingly has issues getting into marathons or that maybe you are the only runner of the catagory or game and can't get to a gdq or something.

Now you may ask what silly 2 week game will be on in the background and cause chat to bug you about for your run. The awnser is none. Based on feedback from both runners and viewers very few people enjoyed the side run and preferred the main game get all the focus. This means it will be easier to fit in those games over 24 hours as we won't need a spot for that game to be played. Any runs that require sleep we will find games to put in your sleeping schedule.

Please join the discord for updates and happy practice

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago

Feel free to hit me up at ESA for it. Only got one run this year so I imagine I’ll have plenty of time on my hands ?

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago

The date and time From : July 7th – 12:00 CEST Till: July 8th – 20:00 CEST (and then afterparty/cleanup till 22:00)

Location Esports Game Arena Raadhuisstraat 134 2406 AJ Alphen aan den Rijn

Public Transport Bus/Train: Stop at Station Alphen a/d Rijn. It's within walking distance from there.

Contact info Please join the public discord: We require runners to have joined the discord by the time submissions close in order to be accepted into the marathon, as discord is our official means of communication.

Submissions You can submit runs here:

We ask runners to submit their runs individually. At the end of each form, you will find a new link to the form to submit additional games. In case you want to submit multiple categories we ask to fill out a separate form for the other categories (i.e. Any%/ 100% in a different form). Please keep submissions to a maximum of 5 games.

Submissions will close on June 24rd (11 pm CEST). You can view current submissions here:

Mass housing Mass housing will be available, in the vicinity of the venue. Tickets for these slots will be available through our ticketing system and will open soon after the preliminary schedule is released. Keep in mind that these tickets have limited availability.

Entry fee The next event will cost €7,- for the entire weekend. Tickets can be bought at We require runners to have bought a ticket a week in advance (July 1st, 11pm CET), to ensure the runner will be available during the event.

Food and drinks Due to venue terms of use, we are required to not allow any drinks into the venue. Both drinks and food are provided by the bar in the venue.

Charity Our marathon is proud supporter of the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization focussed on curing and preventing cancer as well as helping relieve the strain on the people suffering from this disease. As such you are welcome to submit donation incentives along your submissions or donate to this great cause during the marathon.

Runners from outside of the Benelux We have had the question a few times if runners from outside the Benelux are welcome so we figured we would emphasize it here. Yes, everyone is very welcome to join us. If you are from outside the Benelux and would like to attend, feel free to submit as a runner or join us at the venue as a viewer.

Terms of Agreement

Code of Conduct

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago

Quick bump for visability, only a couple weeks left until submissions close

topic: The Site
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago

Yo gyoo, got another one for you:

Requesting a thread for the ‘Really-Really-Long-a-thon 2’ (or a marathon community for RRLAT, which at this point might be easier), an online marathon running from April 1st to April 14th. The marathon, as the name suggests, focusses on really long games that dont usually get a chance due to their length. Previously this was held on the SRL channel, going to leave in the middle wether this will be the case again. Other admins are xelnas and baffan. Most likely no charity involved.

If you need to know anything else you know where to find me.

On a sidenote, I noticed marathon threads on the forum show under all community forums nowadays (at least on mobile), that intentional cause that’d make them impossible to find for most I think ? (I may have missed this being posted elsewhere, but since I have your attention now anyway ?)

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago

The date and time From : 15th of December – 19:00 CEST Till : 17th of December – 19:00 CEST (and then afterparty/cleanup till 20:00/22:00)

Location AwesomeSpace Utrecht Marco Pololaan 8-10 For refference: AwesomeSpace is located in the building next to the police station.

Public Transport Tram: Stop at Utrecht 5 mei Plein Bus: Take Line 7 and stop at Marco Pololaan

Contact info Please join the public discord: We require runners to have joined the discord by the time submissions close in order to be accepted into the marathon, as discord is our official means of communication.

Submissions You can submit runs here:

We ask runners to submit their runs individually. At the end of each form, you will find a new link to the form to submit additional games. In case you want to submit multiple categories we ask to fill out a separate form for the other categories (i.e. Any%/ 100% in a different form). Please keep submissions to a maximum of 5 games.

Submissions will close on December 3rd (11 pm CEST). You can view current submissions here:

Mass housing Mass housing is available, which is being hosted in the building across from the venue. Limited availability and tickets for these slots will be available through the ticketing system. only 1 ticket per order to ensure the fairest distribution of mass housing tickets.

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. We require runners pay their ticket by the 10th of December (the ticket needs to be processed by midnight on December 10th). Tickets are €6,- per person. Viewers can pay upon arrival. Tickets will go live along with the preliminary schedule shortly after submissions close.

Food and drinks Due to venue terms of use we are required to not allow any drinks into the venue. Both drinks and food are provided by the bar in the venue at very low prices.

Charity Our marathon is proud supporter of the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization focussed on curing and preventing cancer as well as helping relief the strain on the people suffering from this disease. As such you are welcome to submit donation incentives along your submissions or donate to this great cause during the marathon.

Runners from outside of the benelux We have had the question a few times if runners from outside the benelux are welcome so we figured we would emphasise it here. Yes, everyone is very welcome to join us. If you are from outside the benelux and would like to attend, feel free to submit as a runner or join us at the venue as a viewer.

Terms of Agreement

Code of Conduct

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago

It didnt emerald. Rayblue restreamed submission video's without authorization from the users, which is against article 8.2 of the twitch terms of service. Rayblue has already been reported both here on and on twitch on account of it. Where it goes from here I cant say, but I'll leave it at that.

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago

Considering its against twitch terms of service, yeah, I would look into dealing with that. Would not advice on letting that go. I adviced paulister to report him with twitch on account of it, just so you know

JasperTheFish en Paulister vindt dit leuk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago

The date and time From : 17th of November – 19:00 CEST Till : 19th of November – 19:00 CEST (and then afterparty/cleanup till 20:00/22:00)

Location AwesomeSpace Utrecht Marco Pololaan 8-10 For refference: AwesomeSpace is located in the building next to the police station.

Public Transport Tram: Stop at Utrecht 5 mei Plein Bus: Take Line 7 and stop at Marco Pololaan

Contact info Please join the public discord: We require runners to have joined the discord by the time submissions close in order to be accepted into the marathon, as discord is our official means of communication.

Submissions You can submit runs here:

We ask runners to submit their runs individually. At the end of each form, you will find a new link to the form to submit additional games. In case you want to submit multiple categories we ask to fill out a separate form for the other categories (i.e. Any%/ 100% in a different form). Please keep submissions to a maximum of 5 games.

Submissions will close on November 5th (11 pm CEST). You can view current submissions here:

Mass housing Mass housing is available, which is being hosted in the building across from the venue. Limited availability and tickets for these slots will be available through the ticketing system. only 1 ticket per order to ensure the fairest distribution of mass housing tickets.

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. We require runners pay their ticket by the 12th of November (the ticket needs to be processed by midnight on November 12th). Tickets are €6,- per person. Viewers can pay upon arrival. Tickets will go live along with the preliminary schedule shortly after submissions close.

Food and drinks Due to venue terms of use we are required to not allow any drinks into the venue. Both drinks and food are provided by the bar in the venue at very low prices.

Charity Our marathon is proud supporter of the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization focussed on curing and preventing cancer as well as helping relief the strain on the people suffering from this disease. As such you are welcome to submit donation incentives along your submissions or donate to this great cause during the marathon.

Runners from outside of the benelux We have had the question a few times if runners from outside the benelux are welcome so we figured we would emphasise it here. Yes, everyone is very welcome to join us. If you are from outside the benelux and would like to attend, feel free to submit as a runner or join us at the venue as a viewer.

Terms of Agreement

Code of Conduct

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool6 years ago


OverworldYT en Karpnado vindt dit leuk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

The date and time From : 20th of October – 19:00 CEST Till : 22nd of October – 19:00 CEST (and then afterparty/cleanup till 20:00/22:00)

Location AwesomeSpace Utrecht Marco Pololaan 8-10 For refference: AwesomeSpace is located in the building next to the police station.

Public Transport Tram: Stop at Utrecht 5 mei Plein Bus: Take Line 7 and stop at Marco Pololaan

Contact info Please join the public discord: We require runners to have joined the discord by the time submissions close in order to be accepted into the marathon, as discord is our official means of communication.

Submissions You can submit runs here:

We ask runners to submit their runs individually. At the end of each form, you will find a new link to the form to submit additional games. In case you want to submit multiple categories we ask to fill out a separate form for the other categories (i.e. Any%/ 100% in a different form). Please keep submissions to a maximum of 5 games.

Submissions will close on October 8th (11 pm CEST). You can view current submissions here:

Mass housing Mass housing is available, which is being hosted in the building across from the venue. Limited availability and tickets for these slots will be available through the ticketing system. only 1 ticket per order to ensure the fairest distribution of mass housing tickets.

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. We require runners pay their ticket by the 15th of October (the ticket needs to be processed by midnight on October 15th). Tickets are €6,- per person. Viewers can pay upon arrival. Tickets will go live along with the preliminary schedule shortly after submissions close.

Food and drinks Due to venue terms of use we are required to not allow any drinks into the venue. Both drinks and food are provided by the bar in the venue at very low prices.

Charity Our marathon is proud supporter of the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization focussed on curing and preventing cancer as well as helping relief the strain on the people suffering from this disease. As such you are welcome to submit donation incentives along your submissions or donate to this great cause during the marathon.

Runners from outside of the benelux We have had the question a few times if runners from outside the benelux are welcome so we figured we would emphasise it here. Yes, everyone is very welcome to join us. If you are from outside the benelux and would like to attend, feel free to submit as a runner or join us at the venue as a viewer.

Terms of Agreement

Code of Conduct

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

As the organizers of BSG Annual, as well as the regular BSG's, we would like to ask you guys for any feedback on BSG Annual. Here are a few of the biggest pointers that we would want feedback on:

What are your experiences as a runner? (Game selection, the streaming area, satisfaction with tech during setup, and anything related to you as a runner?) Experiences as an attendee (Finding the venue, venue, helpfulness of staff, cleanliness etc), If you signed up as a volunteer, do you have any remarks about the jobs you did for the event? Experiences from the practice room (Amount of TV's, enough room for different stuff, etc.), Experiences of accomodation (mass housing, facilities, hotels in the neighbourhood), Ability to find suitable practice equipment for your game(s).

If you watched at home:

Your experience of the stream (quality, audio balancing, other issues stream related), Your experience as a donator (the host, donation tracker, timeliness of donations being read), Contents of the stream (layouts, setup times, etc.) Your thoughts on the overall standard of runs on display, any major highlights and any genre or era of runs you thought were underrepresented Feel free to call out a specific timeslot/run if any feedback has to do with a specific run

And of course any other area you can think of!

If you've already written an event pastebin (rather than a shoutouts to friends pastebin) please just copy it over.

In the coming weeks we'll be reviewing the event and your feedback will help shape next year's BSG Annual as well as help improve our regular BSG monthlies.

If you would prefer to submit your feedback anonymously, you can make use of the Google Form below. We'll read everything submitted and hold it in equal stature to public posts here.

Kind regards, Crrool

Over Crrool
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