Catzee5 years ago

Imagine you're a parent and walk into your kids' room and they could be doing their homework or something, but THIS. Is what they're doing.

I'd be proud!

Catzee5 years ago

I mean there will be a point when the fastest runs even of super expert have no skips so there's really no point.

ThePigKing vinden dit leuk
topic: Helix Jump
Catzee5 years ago

As far as I'm concerned no one's made it to 50000 yet.

Zanum vinden dit leuk
topic: Helix Jump
Catzee5 years ago

There seem to be a lot of bad timings and since I have lowkey OCD I'd love to be able to change them so could you mod me please?

topic: Helix Jump
Catzee5 years ago

Yeah it should be 5:39.844. 339844 844 ms then 339 s closest whole multiple of 60 that is smaller than 339 is 300 (60x5) so 5 minutes then you take 339 and take away to 300 to get 39, your number of seconds. Ultimately, it should be formatted as 5:39.844, not 5:38.844. But I mean if you WANT your score lower than it actually is, keep it /shrug

topic: Helix Jump
Catzee5 years ago

There is an option to watch an ad and continue a game if you're on a real nice streak. Is this allowed? In the future my games will have video, so I want to know.

Catzee5 years ago

Ok that's a relief. Most likely I will.

DaniëlHarteveld en IwerSonsch vindt dit leuk
Catzee5 years ago

Hey mods, I'm sure I'm a huge annoyance to you guys, because of all the submissions I'm making, but I just wanna let you know that it's because I'm speedrunning all ILs and seeing how far I can get so...

Catzee5 years ago

Have you seen any Summoning Salt vids lol? Never assume something is impossible in speedrunning until it is mathematically proven to be!

Catzee5 years ago

I'll put it to you this way: there's only one millisecond that you see the beginning of the timer, so one less than that is the start. In this case it would be 300-1=299, 299-268=31. Did that make any sense lol?

Catzee5 years ago

Yeah, 3dw just destroys any chances of going fast at the moment, Nintendo needs time to fix the servers.

Catzee5 years ago

Well then just have a capture card xddddddd

Catzee5 years ago

Nah it's fine, it's just easier to identify the timer and then do the math

Catzee5 years ago

Yeah I've gotten really close to 283 as well, no dice.

Otterstone_Gamer vinden dit leuk
Catzee5 years ago

yeahhh it's not. I will let this exist for people to laugh at me, especially if someone gets the 283.

Catzee5 years ago

It doesn't look possible anymore xd

Catzee5 years ago

Job 1 283 looks possible, and since I'm pretty sure you travel faster in the air, I'm gonna give it a go and maybe get that sweet 16. You guys agree with my hypothesis?

Catzee5 years ago

So many people will be just breaking their Wii-U's as SMM2 comes out, but we'll be veterans of the system. Long live Wii-U!

KilleDragon vinden dit leuk
Catzee5 years ago

Ok that's a relief, and yes I have seen your wr lol. Still amazing nonetheless

Catzee5 years ago

I might as well.

Over Catzee
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5 years ago
1 day ago
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Super Mario Maker 2
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Helix Jump
Laatste run 5 years ago
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