United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

Those really are just potential categories that may or may not be removed in the future. As Skaleks said, we have a tech that can potential skip a lot, but it is still being tested, but could possibly be patched out since it can be done in multiplayer. PC differences are somewhat unknown right now, but I will be doing some testing before the new year on PC so we can know for sure.

topic: ReCore
United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

feel free to post here on the forum or join in on the discord server

topic: ReCore
United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

So far, it appears nothing regarding the speedrun tricks i have found are changed. Doing runs today. Hopefully have a recorded run of each route

topic: ReCore
United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

45 CORE ROUTE (accurate with Update #3)

Extract as many cores as possible

45 total Prismatic Cores (PC) needed Granite steps –

Iron Fang – PC 1/45

Outside Crawler, grab Health booster on top of Crawler

Pylon 512 – (why is the word "Py lon" an emoji?) 4 PC to find, 3 are story health booster in the corner of room with 6 cellbots the Core behind the boss needs the Spider, but you can glide off the wall to get it PC total - 5/45

North West Lonely Basin – Dig for Core just west of Violet and Pylon 512, Dig for PC in NW

PC 7/45 –

Cavern Rush 2 Cores - yellow key and completion and a health boost PC 9/45

Lonely Basin grab health booster From health booster, jump to the left wall and around the gate

The Cradle Dig for the core at the start, go near and west of Assembly for a PC, get PC high up near there PC 12/45

Health Booster in the mud to the left in the Cradle, climb the rocks there to get on top of pipe to skip cellbots and platforming section, grab PC from the crane PC 13/45

Get battle PC on way to Kai PC 14/45

Go to Kai’s Crawler, dig for the Green spider in area just north of House of Steel (is there another place to dig?) – fast traveling there and back

after obtaining Seth, dig in the sand to the left by the black chain for a core and use Seth to grab the one just south of there PC 16/45

Get to the Core Foundry – collect story Core (Bolt Cutter) and Health booster in the blue ball room before boss PC 17/45

Dig south of first Fast travel in Shifting sands PC 18/45

Going towards Duncan, just south is a Core Battle PC 19/45

Go get Duncan and travel from Crawler to Crawler.

upgrade Duncan. Leave crawler (Team of Mac/Duncan) and get 4 PC in the area (not the one Seth is “needed” for) PC 24/45

Go to Lonely Basin, Dig to the left for PC, get White Cellbot PC, PC in upper right corner, PC dig on the north side, grab health booster near Crucible, Enter Crucible PC 28/45

Crucible 2 Cores, switches and completion, health booster at end, exit PC 30/45

Grab PC under Violet, switch to Mack/Seth, head south near repository blitz and dig in the front and pick up 2 PC in corner, (get health booster?) enter Repository Blitz PC 34/45

Repository Blitz – Get health booster, Time challenge and completion Cores PC 36/45

Travel to Shifting sands, switch to Mack/Duncan and go unlock Forsaken Halls

Forsaken Halls Yellow Key, Switches and completion for PCs and health booster under ramp at the end, exit dungeon PC 39/45

Head east of Coliseum for a Battle PC, get the dig PC in front of Coliseum, Caterpillar PC south east of Coliseum, dig PC south of there, head north west to fast travel, Boss PC and health booster, straight west for a Dig PC, skip Seth/Duncan tracks up to the Warren PC 45/45

Warren Final story PC 46/45

Get health booster before getting on the tram

Climb the tower, returning to Crawler to upgrade Duncan if needed or switch to Seth/Duncan and win

topic: ReCore
United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

Is there any interest in adding in Individual dungeon runs? perhaps adding in categories for time only and all 3 challenges?

topic: ReCore
United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

I haven't figured this one out yet, but want it included in submissions so that PC and XBO times can hopefully be somewhat comparable. the problem is, I dont know what counts towards the in game timer, and it could be glitched. If I remove all loading screens (where the loading wheel is at the bottom) the time usually is lower than IGT by several minutes. Except this happened in my current Victor 1 PB: My RTA is under 1:30, the video time getting back to the main menu is about 1:31, but my IGT is almost 1:32!? In my current 45 Core PB, i had 2 softlocks that I removed from my video and RTA, but that was about 9 minutes in total, and if I add that to my no loads time, it equaled the IGT! So in the end, I have had the IGT read higher than RTA, about where it should be, AND somewhere in the middle... Hopefully someone can figure it out. until then, all runs should include both IGT and RTA

topic: ReCore
United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

Currently the game is on Patch #2 with a 3rd big patch coming on October 5th. while I currently have runs of each category unlisted on YouTube, I am going to wait until this patch launches, then redo the runs. The reason is because of the amount of changes coming:

"In this update, you will experience decreased loading times, see audio and visual improvements, and notice improvements to issues you may have experienced with waypoints, achievement tracking, collision locations, checkpoints and respawn points."

The biggest change is load times, which currently range from 26ish seconds (Joules Crawler) to a minute and ten seconds (Cradle, Shifting Sands, and Warren). the collision locations might effect some of the skips I found as well (hopefully not though since I never publicly revealed them)

If you are curious about my current PBs, here are my times: Victor 1 - 1:29:55 any% - 2:57:54 45 Core - 4:14:52

topic: ReCore
United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

For now I am leaving that category out, as there are 80 intended cores, but 82 collectable by skipping the T8-NK. when the T8-NK is added in, there may be more cores added as well, making this category longer in the future.

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

If there is a demand for Survivor, we can add it

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

I dont know. Console Runners got turned off from running TR2013 as well as ROTTR because the higher FPS (170 for TR2013 and 100 for ROTTR) needed to run it.

jawibae vinden dit leuk
United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

A blast from the past! most of the original runners of TR2013 will remember that run

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

I'd say it's fine. there's a handful of useful spots, so a good chunk of seconds could be saved.

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

Thanks :) I was letting it sit for others to look at just in case. there's a few annotations I need to add as well as a link to a 5 second time save in Novalis.

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

all bolts for the cheats menu, and just the weapons you plan on using for the runs. I think everyone uses the Rhyno, Protoclast, Peacemaker, and Goatinater as the 4 weapon slots. That's all you really need. version doesnt really matter unless you are going for WR, than the Battalia route on 1.00-1.02 is slightly faster than 1.04. and back up the save file to a USB or the cloud

Otherwise welcome aboard! I'm glad to see some more runners. let us know if you have anymore questions.

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

What's the error?

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

Alright, here's a tutorial I made. if there is any additional information needed or something I said wrong, let me know and I'll update it with annotations unless a new tutorial needs to be recorded.

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

I dont think so. I learned off of watching runs with random questions answered in the discord server. I might make a beginners guide though.

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

that wall jump is no fun. I had that in a few of my runs until a faster glitched version of the room was found, and I am grateful. it doesnt save too much time though, so you'll need to get it on your 2nd or maybe 3rd try at least to save time

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

I dont think anyone made one. some of the PC runs have the keyboard display on their stream. that's a place to start. you can also read the long thread on SDA that has a bunch of stuff on there. I have an outdated console route tutorial, and you are welcome to start there, but the PC version, if you can run the game at 170 fps, there are 2 extra tricks (back scramble and Skywalking) that you can do.

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

went ahead and put a run on here and updated the timing rules to what I did. I think it makes the most sense, but I'm up for changing it as well.

Over Brassmaster
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