Due to recent leaderboard changes and a growing community we decided to open up a document for every crazy idea for a category you have that is too ambiguous to be on the leaderboards.
But there are some rules to it:
You have to submit a run to show off the idea you have, otherwise we won´t add it.
You can either submit through this forum post or through the smash discord. (this affects also runs of categories that already exist)
The document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CnZsIJb_WbLeH2SHIwciFlzujRIqxOpiGgwFV0ynyd4/edit?usp=sharing
Have fun.
Hi! I have a request for a new category in the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes part of these forum. I really like to speed run this game without glitches very much but i cant hold up to people who are using any kind of glitches like the item loss skip, wallcrawl, early powerbombs etc. So i wish for a category for all prime games without glitches(any%). I hope that you can fulfill my request.