Now that Any% (and Credits warp) is a glitch fest as expected in a game like this, I propose that Any% (Warpless) becomes a main category for this game/page. This is decent side scrolling game and for new people who visit the page it's huge turn off to see weird pause glitch right away and then dropping out of bounds, only to OOB again 5 seconds later. Just like in SMB3 for example, categories that keep the game in mostly solid state are way more popular for competition.
Also if this becomes a thing i suggest adding milliseconds on board, since every frame counts and eventually several people will be within half a second of each other so it's better way to find out who is the fastest. Create a rule that all warpless sub2 minute runs requires milliseconds for example.
it's very cool what players, especially Cubby did for Any% since it shows how smart ideas can be applied to break the game, but enough is enough in my opinion and we need to fix the run.
Tell me what you think