B1GEY3DPYTH0N6 years ago

I use an Nes Dogbone. I like the feel better than the Breck.

Edit: I changed back to breck because the down button my dogbone is darbYuck, and the buttons are mushy.

B1GEY3DPYTH0N6 years ago

LoopieXP 60€ is still sorta expensive. This thread was for people who use FCEUX. And dont want to spend money on an NES Classic Edition. Its also for people who don't want to switch emulators.

B1GEY3DPYTH0N6 years ago

This is for the people that use FCEUX and some other emulators. And NES minis are expensive.

B1GEY3DPYTH0N6 years ago

Im gonna use -2.65. But its really your choice. If you're talking about my timing working for any% than yes its probably gonna work, unless you're going for optimal bbg. Which then I believe you have to start the timer on for example -8.17 Like kosmic does -8.17 to manipulate the bullet shoot I believe but not 100% sure.

B1GEY3DPYTH0N6 years ago

I have found an easier way to get an estimate on what time you got for those with the emulators that start your game on 0-1. I made this thread because in my opinion its annoying to start the game and start the timer at the same time unless you have a foot pedal or something like that. Whenever I used too try to start the timer as I start the game I would always slow down in the beginning because my finger is starting the timer rather than holding down the B button. So what I did to make it easier to start the timer with being able to hold your B button Or Right depending on what hand you use to start the timer before the game starts is, Set the timers time to -2.65. You can do this with livesplit and probably a bunch of other timers. That's the only step you have to really do. To start the timer when the game starts, keep resetting your game and each time hit start on your controller and your start timer button at the same time. And when you finally hit the start timer button and the start button on your controller and start on world 1-1 the timer will count down from -2.65 to 0.00 and by the time it hits 0.00 your game starts. The timer will start pretty much exactly as the game starts so your time is more accurate when the run is done. I hope you found this helpfull!!!

B1GEY3DPYTH0N6 years ago

I have found an easier way to get an estimate on what time you got for those with the emulators that start your game on 0-1. I made this thread because in my opinion its annoying to start the game and start the timer at the same time unless you have a foot pedal or something like that. Whenever I used too try to start the timer as I start the game I would always slow down in the beginning because my finger is starting the timer rather than holding down the B button. So what I did to make it easier to start the timer with being able to hold your B button Or Right depending on what hand you use to start the timer before the game starts is, Set the timers time to -2.65. You can do this with livesplit and probably a bunch of other timers. That's the only step you have to really do. To start the timer when the game starts, keep reseting your game and each time hit start on your controller and your start timer button at the same time. And when you finally hit the start timer button and the start button on your controller time timer will count down from -2.65 to 0.00 and by the time it hits 0.00 your game starts. The timer will start pretty much exactly as the game starts so your time is more accurate when the runs done. I hope you found this helpfull!!!

KingOfJonnyBoy vinden dit leuk
B1GEY3DPYTH0N6 years ago

I have found an easier way to get an estimate on what time you got for those with the emulators that start your game on 0-1. I made this thread because in my opinion its annoying to start the game and start the timer at the same time unless you have a foot pedal or something like that. Whenever I used too try to start the timer as I start the game I would always slow down in the beginning because my finger is starting the timer rather than holding down the B button. So what I did to make it easier to start the timer with being able to hold your B button Or Right depending on what hand you use to start the timer before the game starts is, Set the timers time to -2.65. You can do this with livesplit and probably a bunch of other timers. That's the only step you have to really do. To start the timer when the game starts, keep reseting your game and each time hit start on your controller and your start timer button at the same time. And when you finally hit the start timer button and the start button on your controller time timer will count down from -2.65 to 0.00 and by the time it hits 0.00 your game starts. The timer will start pretty much exactly as the game starts so your time is more accurate when the runs done. I hope you found this helpfull!!!

B1GEY3DPYTH0N6 years ago

I have found an easier way to get an estimate on what time you got for those with the emulators that start your game on 0-1. I made this thread because in my opinion its annoying to start the game and start the timer at the same time unless you have a foot pedal or something like that. Whenever I used too try to start the timer as I start the game I would always slow down in the beginning because my finger is starting the timer rather than holding down the B button. So what I did to make it easier to start the timer with being able to hold your B button Or Right depending on what hand you use to start the timer before the game starts is, Set the timers time to -2.65. You can do this with livesplit and probably a bunch of other timers. That's the only step you have to really do. To start the timer when the game starts, keep reseting your game and each time hit start on your controller and your start timer button at the same time. And when you finally hit the start timer button and the start button on your controller time timer will count down from -2.65 to 0.00 and by the time it hits 0.00 your game starts. The timer will start pretty much exactly as the game starts so your time is more accurate when the runs done. I hope you found this helpfull!!!

B1GEY3DPYTH0N6 years ago

oh and I knew I wouldnt become a mod. I just wanted too see how active mods were. 1 thread wont get anyone mod. In the future I might ACTUALLY try to apply. I probably wont become mod tho.

B1GEY3DPYTH0N6 years ago

Ok Jonny........... Lappa

B1GEY3DPYTH0N6 years ago

This message is to LoopieXP who accepted my run. Yes it was the same footage except I cut it differently so it would show the title screen.

B1GEY3DPYTH0N6 years ago

fine I'll delete the thread

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