AR0074 years ago

Thanks everyone, especially scrimsion and mruns

KilleDragon vinden dit leuk
AR0074 years ago

what about into the stairs? is that possible?

KilleDragon vinden dit leuk
AR0074 years ago

So, a few days ago I had an idea (I dont think its possible but maybe it is) of clipping into the bottom row of blocks in the hole where the vine would come out if you didn't wrong warp. Is it possible?

Here's a video of me partially clipping in a bit and getting pushed back out

KilleDragon vinden dit leuk
AR0074 years ago

D-4 IL Runners: me

Timer starts when 400 appears and finishes when you touch the axe. Must be small, can use savestate to d-4/pellsson rom Ill post a video in a few days if i have time Update: here's a video

AR0074 years ago

Famicom? Advantage ? The one w/ the 3ds like joystick thing?

Those are all official controllers

Hot seat and power glove LUL

Are those allowed

KilleDragon vinden dit leuk
AR0074 years ago

Yes (I use d and f) but for other games I use WASD, shift to sprint and space to jump, and that is way more comfortable than playing with one hand on an NES controller.

KilleDragon vinden dit leuk
AR0074 years ago


KilleDragon vinden dit leuk
AR0074 years ago

Just asking because you could map the buttons to make it way more comfortable than a nes controller

KilleDragon vinden dit leuk
AR0074 years ago

Is it allowed to use keyboard to do a one hand run?

KilleDragon vinden dit leuk
AR0074 years ago

Thanks Can you soft reset on openemu tho

KilleDragon vinden dit leuk
AR0074 years ago

In the rules it clearly states that the emulators allowed are Nestopia, FCEUX etc. Just to clarify (might be a dumb question), does that mean that you need to use the actual emulator, or does it mean that you are allowed to use an emulator running those cores (Nestopia, FCEU...)

KilleDragon vinden dit leuk
AR0074 years ago

In almost every run I can find that uses a japanese cart, the reset brings the runner directly to the title screen. Problem: when I reset my japanse ROM to do MWE attempts, I have to watch a 15 second famicom booting animation (or whatever it is). Am I doing something wrong/do I have a bad ROM/do runners use a differet cart?

KilleDragon vinden dit leuk
AR0074 years ago

Could 7-1 BBG be a potential time save in warpless? (When I tried I had a 40-50% success rate, so maybe it could be done in a run)

sam1370 en KilleDragon vindt dit leuk
AR0075 years ago

Why do people not do it since it saves time?

KilleDragon vinden dit leuk
AR0075 years ago

Oh yeah thx i had heard of full fpg before

KilleDragon vinden dit leuk
topic: Monogolf
AR0075 years ago

But tbh the il runs are kinda overkill, useless and since theres 151 il cats, i think its a bit too much

Over AR007
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