Potion/Bribe Jumping
Potion/Bribe Jumping
Geüpdatet 5 years ago door YuriBacon

When in battle, you can (sometimes) escape by using a potion (or bribing a coin) and jumping at the exact same time, causing you to gain a lot of height. Potion jumps give you more height than bribes, but are more costly. Remember that you need at least 3 stamina to jump, and cannot use a potion if you are already at full health. After escaping a battle with either of these glitches, you can jump as if you were standing on the ground for a few frames (the exact timing isn't known), allowing you to get extra height. If there is a ceiling close above you, you may hit it instead of escaping battle. Some enemies just have an "escape" box too big to be potion jumped out of (most enemies have one too big to bribe jump out of, hence why potion jumping is usually used instead).

Any enemy you can't bribe is recommended to be potion jumped out of instead if possible, but here is a good list:

  • Aminoguana miniboss (The purple one): You can jump into a spike pit right before if you are at full health. You will have to get the extra jump after escaping the battle to make it to the platform above with the key

  • All of the zombies in World 2: Make sure to jump over/past them so that instead of facing them from the way you came, you're on the other side (if you were running to right, you want to fight them on the right side). If you fail to jump over them before the encounter, you can still potion jump them, but without being able to glide outside, you will just fall back into the encounter on the other side, wasting a potion. If you're at full health, just quickly swing your sword and he will instantly attack you for damage.

  • The first 3 Valcanoids in World 3 (The ones that shoot lava walls): Encounter them, attack them so they bring their lava down, and then potion jump out once they are done. The second one doesn't need to be waited on since there is no ceiling above you to shove you into the lava and mess the potion jump end. Make sure to jump in lava before encountering so you don't have to wait on it to hurt you.

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