Can someone explain 5-4 Leviathan Any%?
7 months ago
Seattle, WA, USA

Hey there, I have a couple of friends who aren't speedrunners but they saw this run and were wondering how the boss fight works. I know nothing about the game, so I'm just hoping for an explanation on the tactic to fight him I can relay to them. Thanks!


i was wondering this too sense i recently got into speedrunning this level

i think the main strategy is when the leviathan is shooting red orbs to projectile punch the mouth


the record is downpatched to a patch where the alt shartshooter did crazy amounts of damage when used with coins. for current patch tho, you just spam levi with explosions (sharp, proboosts, rockets and malrail) to get the projectiles to reflect back. Also, you'd do an ultraboost to reach the surface, (and if its any%) checkpoint to reload the rail (and ig health but u dont rly need that)

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