4 years ago
New Jersey, USA

Hello fellow members of TrialsRisingSpeedrunDotCom. Today I bring a topic to your attention that has been fumbling with my conscious for the past year. I think we should have an open discussion on this matter right here on TrialsRisingSpeedrunDotCom, the most intellectually informed platform for Trials Rising. Hopefully some decisive action can be taken.

The issue at hand is the one known as "the scottah". There is a technique in this franchise known as "fapping". It is an extremely advanced technique where as your front wheel is on a ledge, you spam x (or square) with your right thumb to gain momentum to overcome the ledge. (Warning: I would not attempt this technique unless you are at the very least the top 10% in the game, which is no small feat). However, this man uses both thumbs!!! There was a clip of him showing his "ability" on stream with a handcam in the past.

I think this method is unfair as it provides him with an advantage obtained by exploiting the physics of the game. Trials Rising has already had it's fair share of cheaters (looking at you, Auris) and the scottah is no exception.

Please fellow speedrunners, let's keep this discussion active and maybe we can get him to change his ways.

  • PepegaHammer1290 Signing Off.
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