100% Clarification
8 years ago
California, USA

I was checking the rules for 100% and the rule says upon completing the final challenge to get 100%, which the Ziggurat has 100% completion after finding the campsite. Would that mean that we only have to go to the campsite to finish, or actually defeat Mathias?

Edit: The rule says, specifically, "Timing ends when you complete the final goal to trigger 100% game completion...," which is, indeed, reaching the camp before the ziggurat

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 years ago
United States

i disagree, i think you should beat mathias. vamp has a run up already that does that. perhaps when that was made they thought killing mathias triggered 100% but it's actually sooner

California, USA

I never said you shouldn't beat Mathias, but I just noticed that the way the ruling is worded, technically, the run would end upon reaching the last camp, because the game judges progress and file completion based on the collectibles, camps and challenges. I saw Vamp's run, and saw he beat Mathias, but I was moreso questioning the rules instead of the validity of his run. Due to the wording, I just wanted to clarify.

I also agree that beating Mathias should be the end of the run, but again, wording of the rules is unclear in what the ending should be.

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 years ago
Tennessee, USA

I'll fix it right now

California, USA

Thanks Dread. Just wanted to clear it up

Cumbria, England

I believe I accept the L for the mistake there, I think I wrote that rule but when I did I meant upon completing the game and 100% completion. My apologies.

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