Seperate PS2 FDS Speeds and PS1 Load Times!
I have to bring this up right now!
So I run on PS2 Fast Disc Speed personally, at the moment. It would be really nice to see a categore seperation for PS1 runs, where you have Fast Disc Speed and Regular Load Time speeds SEPERATED! FDS gives you 6 second advantage, per mission load time screen + some amount I have not calculated myself, for other load screens.
The advantage amounts to be way over a MINUTE through the full game run!
Could we please get this seperation implemented on the leaderboard? So it would be fully future proof!
If more people ran the ps1 version I would consider it but for now, we don't need to create another section for ps1/ps2.
Recente runs
Niveau: Operation Fire Walk
Niveau: Operation Deep Magic
Niveau: Operation Wild Arrow
Niveau: Operation Yellow Knife