High Score Category
6 years ago

Start = When you gain control of the Turtle You need to get all the maxium score of the game that is 9'999,400 points End = On the last hit to Shredder

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago

I got a PB/WR of 7 hours and 58 minutes, it was really impressive and interesting, it was not an easy task. Also you will see some unseen stuff and techiques really interesting, so please enjoy it. You will see the never before seen danger room of trainning of the Turtles, really amazing. Also you will see what is the maxium amount of missiles that you can get, maxium of ropes, maxium of scrolls, so all to the maxium never before seen, so please enjoy it and see it complete or in parts, as you wish. Also you will see for the first time, exactly what is the maxium score of this game, and what happens once you reach it. You could try this run in home, it will be a great and challenging experience, if somebody get a run, please feel free to put it here in the forum with your PB. Thanks for your support, as always, really apreciete it.


NEW WR !!!!!!!!!!! 6 hours and 6 minutes

Notes: In my opinion and observation the difficult increases way harder after you beat the high score. I can't despawned Laser Soldiers. Some unusual sets, like Laser Soldiers everywhere since the beggining of Area 6. 9'999,500 instead of 9'999,400 I heard some weird never heard noise in the Danger Room after like 8 millions, Infinite, Red and other good friends were there and notice some weird and unusual stuff too.


So a new WR for this category of 5 hours and 9 minutes. This is the definitvie time for this category, if somebody in the future trys to beat this WR my absolute respect. I retire from this category for all times, this is a good closure. Thanks for all my viewers in Twitch, great support. Special thanks to Reanymation, Shadowman, Skunky. I dedicate this run to my good friend Skunky. The reason is that I just wanted to beat his Super Mario 64 120 stars PB of 5 hours and 45 minutes with my high score category, that's all. Thanks man. Only for this time that was all. Because if Skunky improves his Super MArio 64 abilitys, there is no way this high score category can beat that, beacuase the WR of Super MArio 64 is like 1hour and half.

So I only highlighted the last part the most exciting part, when I get my 9 millions points. I finish the game as I wanted. I'm sure after you get the High Score the game becomes harder. Because all the turrets of Technodrome Guardian was fire shooting me, with the strats he have done all the life, and that doesn't happen in normal runs, you can see it by your self. The adventures of this category is concluded forever, no matter what, at least for me. Is exciting, but a category you can only play once in your lifetime.

Skunky48 vinden dit leuk
Pennsylvania, USA

Congratulations on accomplishing your goal. There's only one TMNT player in the world with the dedication to do this category and that's you nesmaster. You will forever hold the record for having the most love for this game. That being said, I'm glad to see you retire from this category. Now keep getting that Any% time down. :-)

thenesmaster vinden dit leuk

New impressive WR!!!!!!!!! And I didn't intended. I was trainning for my 17:59. But something happened and I improvised for a new amazing and defenitive WR.

I did High Score Category in 32 minutes!!!!!!!!

So the new WR for this category is 32 minutes, find how did I did, is an amazing surprise. Also is the first High Score Category run that is bearable to watch the full run !!!!!

I dedicate this run to my good friend Skunky and Shadowman.

Please watch it complete, enjoy it. Thanks for your support. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I answer what I can.

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