Gamma/Rage canisters duplication glitch
3 years ago
Alabama, USA

Well, I accidentally found an awesome weird bug... You can see it in this video: Some of the canisters can be glitched using map. You just need to find the glitched canister (glitched canisters are always glitched, it's not random) and then open map and swap it with the pause menu screen until you get 100 canisters. You can get up to 170+, but your game will just crash...

I don't know if it's useful for speedruns. I mean, I die a lot in my runs, but I'm just don't know this game yet as good as I could. So maybe it's not an essential thing, but for bad players it can be really good. Because you just need to spend less, than 2 minutes to max your health (rage upgrade isn't important for speedruns at all) and it will help you to heal Hulk less often and not die that much. And after all, it's the first really interesting trick, which inspires me to search for more bugs and skips. This game is definitely not that well coded, it's broken and we must find a way to break it even more.

Entity_313 en HopeTrash vindt dit leuk
Alabama, USA

I think it doesn't work for Xbox 360/PS3 version. I tried it on many cans, but it didn't work. And this Daily Bugle building has a different location and there was no fury can. So it was not possible for me to test it on the same cans... I believe it works for ps2/wii versions, because it's the same one port. But methinks PC version will be the fastest.

Entity_313 vinden dit leuk

Man, just thanks for the bug, I plan to speed up the game when the computer is fine and with video shooting and become a moderator of the game here to add a lot and logical since I've been playing the game for 10 years. And I am a moderator of other games and I have a site with a timer where I can calculate the result

UltimateGoblin vinden dit leuk

And I have many plans to add categories (levels and mini-games) but I need to go through the game again and remember that, like I have a screen of the game map itself from ps3 and xbox 360 for reference during the speedrun

UltimateGoblin vinden dit leuk

But after the video with the bug, i got a new motivation to spear the game, only as i said, i need to go through the game again, create my tactics and much more for the first result

UltimateGoblin vinden dit leuk
Alabama, USA

Map from the xbox version is different, so if you plan to add 100% category or all collectibles – they should be separate for both versions. Also, levels is a good idea. But! Hulk gets upgrades during the game, so mission replay will definitely be confusing kinda... But maybe that's the idea – complete mission as fast as possible no matter what. So, yeah, I'm happy, that I inspired you to come back to this game! I really plan to spend some time here, so it would be very cool to get competition. I tried to find more bugs and skips, but nothing works. I think there's no way to finish an actual mission without finishing it... Tried to die-reload, but it's not possible to do something in menu when Hulk is dead. Tried to launch the mission with an opened map, but it doesn't work, the timing is so hard... So yeah, if you will look for the bugs and run the game with me – we can definitely get some great result.

Alabama, USA

Also, I played this game since 2008 (sometimes), so I kinda love it anyway, even if it's not the best game, it has flaws and PC version is crap... I was wondering why there were no runs. So with these bugs and everything, I hope people will be interested in running the game.

Entity_313 vinden dit leuk
Alabama, USA

Here's the even faster way to do this:

Entity_313 vinden dit leuk
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