Tekken 5 Tekken Lord speedrun
8 years ago

about subcategories in Tekken 5 Tekken Lord speedrun. splitting into subruns by round number and by difficulty seems to be pointless. for speed all runs are going to be 1 round and difficulty can be changed during gameplay (to manipulate AI). requesting to possibly remove subcategories there.

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 years ago
United Kingdom

The thing is if I removed round number categories there, other people would complain that they aren't there. I have to keep them solely on principle that the default setting is 2 and some people still do 2-round runs, while most change the setting to 1. As for difficulty, again the default value is Medium but most people play on Easy, and there's no reason to change the difficulty mid-game.

Another reason I need to keep them is because all other in-game settings have to be set to default in the rules. If we removed the round number/difficulty exceptions, then either everyone would have to play on 2 Rounds/Medium, or all in-game settings could be changed, which is dumb because then it allows things like GO Abuse by swapping characters, Guard Damage, and loads of other dumb stuff. This is the only way to keep a stable, in-between balance.

The way I see it is that nobody is getting hurt by having round number options there, while people might get hurt if they're removed.

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 years ago
Realm vinden dit leuk

i guess its not that important. i just wish it would have been the same as in Tekken 5 DR, it has no difficulty or round count split. these 2 things are just as a property not as a category there and just visible as setting that was used. i dont know if priority is to make as less as possible sub-categories for the game. maybe other way is better (more sub-categories).

rules are rules, but my opinion is that if some in-game setting can be used to make speedrun faster then it shouldnt be automatically disallowed. i get it that guard damage is not allowed, but for example, it might have turn out either way, that it can make speedrun faster or slower, after multiple tries by someone. your opinion seems to be to disallow non standard settings that game has, mine would be the other way. but still, it seems that youre know what youre taking about and have more experience with this.

United Kingdom

Yeah, you're right in that round count is sometimes split in different ways (as a category or as a property) depending on the game, but that was due to me trying to make the right judgement call in what looks neater. Too many sub-categories can be overwhelming and arguably pointless if nobody runs them. There are too many empty categories on some games as it is.

I do get what you're saying about some in-game settings potentially making speedruns faster, and there is no right or wrong answer to that, but I personally prefer keeping in-game settings set to default where possible because it creates a standard that all runners can follow. You don't have to worry about whether someone only got a record because they had different in-game settings or something like that. If nothing else, you can definitely agree that the boards look much better now than they did a couple of years ago, where only a few games had arbitrary categories like 'Arcade Mode' with no character dividers, no in-game setting restriction, no indicator of what settings were altered from default and it looked a bit of a mess. The way it is now may not be perfect, but at least it's well-organised and skill takes a primary focus now.

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