Loading level sections from the menu, after 'unlocking' them will reset your ammo. I'm not sure if this is a legit strat or not, but I just thought of it while attempting a hard mode run.
For Attack Of The Clones it would definitely be useful. That might be the only time though. Pity there's no extra weapons in the middle of the Wookie Resistance levels.
Notice that for every run we did since then we never went back to the menu. Also the point of Assault Ship is ammo management. But of course it would help a lot, and it resets your health too.
it's useful for :
- GEO Infiltrate The Droid Foundry
- GEO Infiltration Of The Coreship
- RAS Rescue The Squad
- RAS Attack Of The Clones
- YYY The Wookie Resistance
- YYY Search And Destroy
idk I need to ponder my thoughts on this...
I noticed kram used this to regain full squad health and ammo on Search And Destroy of his latest Kashyyyk run.
I accepted but still don't know how to feel about this ; these levels shouldn't be independant, I'd rather see some good squad management along the whole campaign, instead of health resets. On the other hand it's is true that the game glitches your secondary weapon at this point, and maybe it's somewhat fair to reset ammo...
just saying
I think I'm (obviously) OK with it. It does lose time, so it's a tradeoff of whether it's worth losing the time for regaining health and ammo, and adds another decision you need to make on the fly. But I don't think it's a big deal either way.