FXPAK Pro - Practice Rom Graphical Glitches
3 years ago


Just got my FXPAK Pro and I was wondering if anyone could tell me why I keep getting frequent graphical glitches in the practice rom?

I've used a fresh ROM to create the Practice ROM and recreated it multiple times to try and fix the issue.

Is there something I'm missing which would remedy this?

Thanks, PQ

Berlin, Germany

If the graphical glitches are like flickering horizontal lines, it's probably a power issue with your console. With a SNES or SFC you eventually need to replace the electrolytic capacitors and the 7805 voltage regulator. There are a bunch of videos on YouTube if you're comfortable with a soldering iron.



Thanks for the response but I don't think that's it, I think it's something to do with the ROM that's causing the image to become distorted.

It fixes itself if I reset to a save state repeatedly but this can take an annoying amount of attempts. Doesn't make the practice very efficient! :')

Describing the graphical issue is difficult, it's as though all the pixels have gone the wrong colour.

Nova Scotia, Canada

I'd recommend running the diagnostics firmware to see if the cart has an issue. What you're describing sounds exactly like the issue I used to have with various practice roms. Mine detected an issue with the SNES PA. PA test is related to the B Address bus on the extension pins. Most likely bad solder joints on RA101, RA102, RA111, RA112. Redoing these joints actually resolved the issue for me.



Thanks for the response, sorry to sound like a complete noob but I'm having trouble working out how I'm meant to organise the firmware files on my SD card.

Do you mind giving me a quick rundown?


Quick Update: Managed to get the Firmware to work but the PA has passed. Very odd.