Category Idea: Running to beat all three packs in one go.
2 years ago


So I've known a few people who have been timing themselves to see how long it takes to beat all three packs from start to finish.

I don't think the order they are completed should matter but I think it would be a fresh category for SAP and more long form.

Let me know your thoughts, I've run this a few times before and it's a lot of fun but would love some competition.

Random_J vinden dit leuk

mhm, that is a great idea. There have been a few multi-victory runs in the past but none of them stayed due to popularity concerns. This is definitively something to try out. I can add an all premade pack category but if not enough people try to run it idk if I can justify it staying on the board.

Random_J vinden dit leuk

Yeah that's fair enough. I would definitely try running it, but you are right, it wouldn't be good if no one else is submitting.

Also I'd use the terminology they use on the SAP Discord if you do make it, so maybe All Static Packs category?

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 years ago

Would you like me to run it first and post it here?


Hi, sorry it took me so long, I added the category to the board. Two questions, should custom/weeekly packs be included in the category, and if so, then what should it be named? I can see weekly packs being being unfair, but what about custom?

That's okay, no problem. We've all been a little busy! And no it should only be how fast you can beat the standard and expansion packs in one sitting!

1 problem with that what if they add a new expansion pack then you need a whole new sub category because any good runner could beat 3 packs before someone else beats 4 and then the top time is nearly unbeatable kind of like all patch combined right now which has a time of like 2:39 or something which is extremely hard to beat if not unbeatable in the current state of the game or rather pack 1 with literally everything being nerfed and otter the big one being just a buffed apple kind of so make sure to take that factor into account

That's true, I don't see it as being too big of an issue to add another category though. Or making the existing category legacy as the next expansion pack comes out.

terter, I'm so sorry it took so long but I've got a run to submit but I can see you've taken the category down.

Fair play if you want to keep it off, but if not, I'd love to submit it if you would add the category back.

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