Can you do Sleep Paralysis on PS4/PS5?
2 years ago
Dalarna, Sweden

I've tried it a lot on PS4, but haven't been able to clip oob yet.

United States

You can't, it requires 30 fps which is PC exclusive

Pennsylvania, USA

It is possible to clip into through the TV using the bed and do the first part but nobody has been able to do the second part where you load sewers and drop in because the speed you get pulled is based on fps. At 30, you have more control and can actually fight against the force pulling you. At 60 it pulls you too hard.


As of the most recent update, Consoles can no longer do this skip. So the boards would need some tweaking if there is a run on PS4 or PS5 that has this skip, as it'll be impossible to get a faster time.

Ohio, USA

As of currently, I been running and I could break the WR on ps4. It would be a bit hard to not die and the new patch is a angel

Bretagne, France

Sadly crashes are the main issues on PS4 and last patch doesn't help in any way

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